Effective and efficient governance of an organisation to achieve its strategic intent, whilst also promoting an appropriate risk culture, is top-of-mind for boards, executives and regulators alike.

In an environment of rapidly emerging risks, challenging growth opportunities, increasingly complex business models and new delivery channels, ensuring that the risk and compliance component of the governance framework achieves its objectives is a difficult task for Boards and Executives globally, and must be addressed for an organisation to meet its stakeholder expectations.

It is important for organisations to understand the degree to which they are operating to their risk appetite as their business develops, and to leverage risk appetite and tolerances to support strategic decision making and capital planning. It is also increasingly necessary to define the expected risk culture of the organisation to assess the degree to which it is consistent with the Board’s and management’s expectations.

KPMG’s risk strategy, governance and culture services help clients to implement sound risk management frameworks and practices and embed a risk aware culture to drive sound business performance, limit potential misconduct and good outcomes for customers.

How we can help

KPMG can assist you by ensuring your governance frameworks are effectively structured to enable you to manage risks while executing your organisation’s strategy within an appropriate risk appetite. Our risk governance framework advisory professionals assist clients with the design and development of governance committees and charters, risk reporting structures and methods, and functional governance models. Furthermore, risk appetite statement development and enhancement together with risk culture framework development and assessment also support our client’s maturity with their risk strategies.

KPMG also provides a soft controls methodology which assists organisations to identify and understand the behavioural risks that exist in their business despite structured hard controls being in place, which further reduces the risk of something going wrong.

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