KPMG’s Regulatory and Compliance services assist our clients in managing and implementing change driven by existing and emerging regulation. We recognise that that firms often have a significant list of regulatory consultations and initiatives to manage at any one time and implementing and embedding sometimes significant change across the business can be challenging. The implementation demands of various regulations are set to dominate budget and resourcing decisions for many years to come.

Our clients face challenges on how to generate sufficient returns when both capital demands and the cost of compliance are increasing. The regulatory agenda continues to have large implications on our client’s governance, people, processes and systems. Making confident decisions about how best to meet existing and emerging regulatory requirements, while ensuring commercial viability, is critical.

KPMG assists our clients to successfully navigate through the change agenda, finding the most optimal means to meet the ever increasing and complex regulatory demands, maintaining a compliant and sustainable business that protects the interests of their customers, staff, directors and other stakeholders.

How we can help

Our experience both in NZ and internationally helps our clients respond to emerging RBNZ and APRA regulations. We have and are supporting our clients extensively with advice in relation to Capital Adequacy, Liquidity, FSLAA, FMCA, AML/CFT, BS11 and CCCFA.

Our Compliance professionals have knowledge and experience in helping clients build compliance frameworks from scratch, assessing the maturity of existing compliance risk management frameworks, creating obligations registers and identifying associated controls, risk rating obligations, building compliance reporting and facilitating training.

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