When it comes to selling a business, a successful strategy requires active portfolio management and a well-planned divestment process.

  • Analyse your business portfolio to maximise shareholder value
  • Assess exit strategies
  • Prepare the business for exit
  • Execute an efficient divestment process
  • Coordinate and carry out vendor due diligence
  • Mitigate transaction risks
  • Enhance your retained business


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Our integrated team of specialists helps you focus on the key questions through the critical stages in planning and executing divestitures.

- Analyse the current and potential value of your business portfolio and assess the risks, benefits and feasibility of selected divestiture options to develop your strategic approach.
- Drawing insights from data to find opportunities of maximising values.
- We can provide vendor due diligence and advice on ‘carving out’ non-core divisions in preparation for sale.

- Develop your value story from the buyer’s point of view. KPMG’s corporate finance professionals assist you in targeting and screening the right buyers, contact them on your behalf and help ensure you have the information needed to satisfy potential bidders and support the sale process.
- Building valuation and option analysis models to compare different divestiture options, support strategic decisions and estimate range of realisable values.
- Prepare marketing materials including information memoranda, presentations and other marketing documents

- Make sure investors have the information they need and minimise value leakage during separation. Analysing the best deal structure and outlining the required steps will help bidders understand potential cost and revenue synergies.
- Identifying messages to enhance positive business features to optimise likely outcome, as well as identifying key business risk and outlining mitigating factors.
- Developing cash flow models to support Information Memorandum and potential buyers.
- Coordinate and carry out vendor due diligence.

- Manage the deal strategically by planning the separation thoroughly and anticipating questions from the buyer before you are ready to sign.
- Developing bid analysis models to compare bids with different structures and option analysis models to support negotiation processes.
- We allow management to get on with their day jobs, minimise distractions and business disruption. We ensure frequent and transparent communication with you so you’re fully informed and retain control of important decisions.

Stay in control of the closing process by identifying regulatory requirement, firming up your separation plans and verifying what support the buyer needs..

- We support a negotiation and documentation to achieve a successful transaction process and are often heavily involved to ensure the correct financial mechanisms and commercial parameters are put in place to deliver the value that is expected.
- Close the deal efficiently to achieve real results, taking care to mitigate separation risks, help the investor exit the transition service agreements (TSAs) and implement the stranded cost mitigation plan in the retained business.

Our Deal Advisory professionals are forward-looking specialists who combine deep sector knowledge with the foresight that comes from experience, to help you stay in front of the issues and avoid loss of value. From helping you understand the potential risks and rewards of a divestiture to supporting you in minimising value leakage, we assess your situation and support your negotiating position to maximise the sales price and execute the deal with minimal disruption to business operations.

Contact the Deal Advisory team to discuss your specific business needs or to learn more about our services.

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