Has there ever been a tougher time for HR? Even before the outbreak of COVID-19 there was much to do. Faced with competition for your best people, having a global workforce to manage and being wrapped up in regulations, CHROs and their teams had their work cut out to better serve their organization – often on aging technology and inefficient processes.

Powered HR is designed to support the transformation you may need to address the challenges that face a modern HR function, such as:

  • How can we help reshape the workforce?
  • How can technology and process help deliver purpose-led culture?
  • How do we focus on ‘moments that matter’ to employees and shape their experience?
  • How do we use data and insights to shape people management?
  • How do we continually drive efficiencies in HR processes?

Choose to lead transformation for the HR organization of the future

KPMG member firms have worked with HR teams around the world to deliver Powered HR to help them drive transformation, to add value and save costs. Powered HR does this by providing proven operating models based on our know-how, leading practices and a set of pre-defined assets built on top of leading third-party technology solutions. This creates a platform which helps HR to provide more value by supporting strategic people-related initiatives as well as continuously driving up efficiencies wherever possible.

The HR organization of the future may need to address:

  • Continuous focus on technology enabled efficiency gains for core HCM, talent management, pay & compensation
  • Wider people-related data aggregation from both inside and outside of HR, (e.g. sales data, employee attitudes etc.) to get a complete picture of performance
  • Dashboards, predictive analytics and other tools to deliver insight to senior leaders to make informed decisions
  • Techniques to support matching skills to tasks, not just people to jobs
  • An overhaul of HR Service Delivery Management to enhance the employee experience
  • Policy and collateral management to help support employee wellbeing

Powered HR can bring:

  • New efficiencies through robotic process automation
  • Accurate sentiment analysis by qualitative surveys
  • Employee experience that supports a positive customer experience
  • Increased business revenue by upskilling the workforce

KPMG Powered Enterprise | Finance is enabled by market leading platforms, including Microsoft, Oracle, ServiceNow and Workday.

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