Organisations across the board are facing new climate legislation and other reporting requirements to show their impact on the climate and environment, their community and wider society, and their employees. The reporting environment is complex and the range of issues that organisations will be expected to report on is only likely to grow. Many businesses are asking: what do we need to do?
At KPMG we have a dedicated team that is here to help you navigate the plethora of investor and stakeholder expectations. We also understand that reporting should not come at the cost of growth and are well placed to help you sustain a growth trajectory that aligns with your purpose and is impact oriented.
There is a host of reporting standards and frameworks, so we strive to find the reporting model that meets your requirements and gives you complete confidence in the quality of your non-financial assurance.
We use recognised frameworks and tools to help clients to:
- Develop sustainability-related metrics and targets, embedding good reporting practices
- Develop sustainability-related measurement, monitoring, and knowledge management systems
- Feel comfortable with the effectiveness of internal controls, risk management processes, compliance with reporting standards and frameworks, and the appropriateness of key performance indicators used within the business
- Drive long-term thinking with Better Business Reporting (BBR):
- Develop reporting strategies and actions against gap analysis
- Value Creation Models
- Ongoing advice on reporting structure and content
To support New Zealand with starting this journey, we are currently offering the IMPACT Amplify Bootcamp– a tailored, half-day experience to assess their current position - to a select number for no fee. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more.
Standards and frameworks
Climate Change & Sustainability
- Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards (draft)
- The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework
- Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol)
- ISAE Assurance on Greenhouse Gas Statements (ISAE 3410)
- International Standard for quantifying, monitoring and reporting of GHG reductions or removals (ISO 14064-6)
- International Standard for adaptation to climate change (ISO 14090)
- CDP (formerly the Climate Disclosure Project)
- Climate Disclosures Standards (CDSB)
- Sustainability Accounting Standards (SASB)
- Standard for Sustainable Procurement (ISO 20400)
Sustainable Finance & Responsible Investing
- Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI)
- Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB)
- Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
Better Business Reporting
- The International Integrated Reporting framework (<IR>)
- The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards
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