In our view, climate-related standards have real potential to drive the change that is needed in New Zealand, but not if adoption is seen as merely a compliance exercise.
The regime gives organisations a much greater appreciation of the strategic and operational implications of climate change and the road ahead.
It applies to listed entities and some financial service businesses, requiring them to make mandatory climate disclosures. Going beyond the regulatory requirements, it’s also likely that many more organisations will follow the guidance to meet the expectations of regulators, customers, employees or supply chain partners who want quality information on an organisation's climate impact.
This page provides the latest news, insights, tools and guidance for boards, audit committee members, investors and all stakeholders about the evolving climate reporting landscape.
Download our latest insights
GHG emissions measurement and reporting
The following are common reporting standards and emission factors used in New Zealand.
- Greenhouse Gas Protocol Reporting Standard and Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and reporting Standard*
- Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF)**
- International Standard for Greenhouse gas emissions (ISO 14064)
- ISAE Assurance on Greenhouse Statements (ISAE 3410)
GHG emissions reporting handbook
* Additional supporting standards and guidance are also on the GHG website
** Additional supporting guidance available on the PCAF website
Climate scenarios
WEBINAR: Taking a deep dive into climate scenario analysis
Sarah Bogle explores an ‘all drivers’, immersive approach, highlighting just how vital impact pathway mapping is in transition planning. They cover the important areas to consider before, during, and after scenario work, with a focus on good practice, techniques to help make the task easier, and give some ideas on how to tackle the big challenges in their five-step presentation:
- Why are we all talking about scenarios?
- What are scenarios for?
- How do you build scenarios?
- How do you use them to identify risk?
- How do you use them to manage risk?
Get in touch
Please get in touch to find out more about the climate standards and how you can make the most of the opportunities they present.