Whether you plan to sell your business, launch an IPO or shift leadership to the next generation, the right team can help you explore your options to foster a smooth transition.

Give yourself the benefit of time and perspective to determine which outcome is right for you. Find out what our experts have to say about transitioning your business.

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Transitioning Services

When it comes to running a business, the toughest decisions can be around succession. As an owner-manager, you want to make the right choices, for your business – and your family. Starting early is critical for a smooth transition. By making decisions and developing transition timelines, you can avoid conflict and build the support and buy-in your successor will need.

KPMG Enterprise professionals can help you manage the sensitivities that come with succession and provide confidential advice on the implications of any decisions your family might make. When the time comes, we can also help your successor take on his or her new role.

Deciding to sell your business can be difficult. You’ve put your life into your work and want to get the value you deserve. But realising value can be challenging. How can you make your organisation attractive and find the right buyer?

KPMG Enterprise advisors understand how important this decision is and can help you get the most out of the process. KPMG Enterprise can help define your expectations and identify and prioritise potential buyers. Our professionals can also help you make sure that your business is in shape for a sale, evaluate offers, manage due diligence procedures and supervise the transaction.

You’ve spent years building your business. Let us help you get the most out of selling it.

Taking your company public is an exciting process. It brings with it prestige and higher visibility in the market. At the same time, going public brings new risks, including complex accounting and reporting requirements and the need to manage new stakeholders – like the board and your shareholders.

To get the most reward, you need to be well informed and well prepared. KPMG Enterprise advisors can work with you to decide whether going public is the right choice for your business. If you go forward, we can help you manage the IPO process and begin to operate in the public company environment.

Every transaction has tax implications. Whether you’re contemplating an acquisition, a merger, or restructuring – understanding the relevant tax issues will let you take advantage of tax opportunities while reducing your transaction risks. If you’re considering an M&A outside your home jurisdiction, getting specialised tax advice can help you ensure your deal is commercially viable.

KPMG Enterprise firms’ advisors can work with you to understand the tax implications of your potential deals and help you to structure transactions in ways that are tax-efficient. No matter where you are in the deals lifecycle, KPMG Enterprise can help you determine the best tax structures to support your endeavours.
