In today’s environment, many businesses face challenges around pricing. There are margin pressures, competing objectives, and a seemingly constant ‘race to the bottom’ with competitors.

With the right structure and strategy, pricing can have an instantaneous and disproportionate effect on profitability. A sound pricing strategy is an effective profit lever to help businesses maximise long-term profitability while communicating value to your customers and enhancing your brand.

The KPMG team can help on your journey to increase profitability while remaining competitive, through focusing on:


Developing effective pricing methodologies to maximise long-term profitability through:
• Aligning pricing with your overall business strategy
• Achieving improvement in sales, profit, market share and customer loyalty
• Tailoring pricing models for specific customer segments


Establishing structures for product pricing, promotions and value items through:
• Building pricing and discounting strategies that work in unison to drive profit and competitive advantage
• Structured processes for price reviews and discount decisions which can rapidly adapt to market and competitor changes


Communicating value to customers and improving processes through:
• Establishing clear ownership and governance of the pricing function, building this into organisational structures and capabilities
• Using data and analytics to inform decisions, and technology to automate processes
• Understanding the value drivers of customers and aligning pricing with perceived benefits and differentiating factors to better communicate the value of products or services

We'll draw on our expertise in:

Supply chain
An effective pricing strategy will complement the supply chain vision by aligning with objectives such as service levels, risk and resilience, and costs and compliance.

Using digital tools to model and evaluate pricing scenarios and outcomes – KPMG can build bespoke pricing solutions or recommend suitable off-the-shelf platforms.

Embedding ESG considerations into pricing can support a greater focus on sustainability and become a driver of value to your business and your customers.

Data analytics and insights
We use a variety of data analytics platforms and pricing optimisation packages to support pricing decisions.

Get in touch

We'd love to help you on your journey to increase profitability while reminaing competitive.

Get in touch to discuss how we can support the creation and uplift of your pricing strategy, policy and capability.
