KPMG’s Tax Policy team aims to be at the forefront of the New Zealand tax policy development process, with an emphasis on delivering value for our clients.
Tax policy settings, including tax rates and the tax bases from which Government raises revenue, impact on the success of New Zealand's businesses, their employees and customers.
KPMG is an active participant in New Zealand’s Generic Tax Policy Process. This world-leading process enables tax changes to be developed in close consultation between Government, businesses, tax practitioners and other stakeholders in the New Zealand tax system. This helps improve tax policy outcomes.
KPMG has experience both as an advisor to business and Government on a range of tax policy issues. We have advised on changes to the tax regime for New Zealand managed funds and changes to New Zealand’s international tax regime.
How we can support you
- Advising businesses on how new tax policy proposals will affect them. Our Taxmail newsletter is designed to keep you up to date with the latest New Zealand and international tax developments.
- Assisting clients in developing strategies to effectively deal with tax policy changes, to mitigate unfavourable outcomes while maximising the benefit of, and opportunities from, positive tax changes.
- Advising on the latest global tax developments, utilising KPMG’s international network of member firms, and the implications for New Zealand businesses.
- Drafting submissions on tax issues to Government and its officials (the New Zealand Inland Revenue and Treasury), on behalf of clients. KPMG assists clients in making their views known on everything from major tax policy announcements to anomalies in the tax legislation and tax administration issues.
- Working constructively with Government, tax policy officials and businesses to develop tax and economic policies aimed at improving New Zealand’s international competitiveness, helping New Zealand firms to thrive in the global economy.