Infrastructure is key to a more prosperous and vibrant society. Our Infrastructure, Assets & Places group takes an integrated approach with strategic, commercial and technical capabilities to unlock successful projects.

Our experience includes many of the biggest infrastructure projects in Australia and we draw on our deep sector expertise to meet challenges at any stage of the asset lifecycle. Whether planning, procuring, delivering, operating or transitioning – we help clients to deliver projects that are environmentally sustainable, socially impactful and drive lasting economic growth.

A global group of infrastructure specialists, we are passionate about continuous innovation, technology, engineering, performance and efficiency – and how together we can make a difference and build a better future for all Australians.

Delivering impact on Australia's infrastructure, assets and places via:

Infrastructure advisors, including
Engineers, asset managers and project managers
Dedicated partners providing national coverage from 8 offices.

Which stage of the asset lifecycle is your project at?

Planning, Business Case & Development

Our team helps to shape investment decisions through a range of services:

  • Policy & strategic planning
  • Business case & investment decisions
  • Demand modelling & insights
  • Feasibility studies
  • Cost planning & scheduling
  • Engineering management
  • Project management
  • Real estate, precincts & placemaking strategies
  • Masterplan development advice

Services we offer


Transport solutions are much more than physical assets such as roads, railways and vehicles – they’re about connecting people and places and improving customer experiences.

Continued, merit based, investment in the ‘right’ transport infrastructure enables better connectivity, greater mode choice and improved productivity to support intergenerational growth and prosperity for our urban and regional communities.

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How we can help you


Transport policy development

Governance framework development and design, stakeholder engagement, infrastructure program evaluation, strategy development, decarbonisation of transport.


Planning and economics

Strategic land use planning, transport modelling (traffic and patronage demand analysis including Activity & Agent Based Modelling), feasibility studies, business cases, economic appraisals, cost benefit analysis.


Commercial advisory and transaction management

Transport infrastructure procurements including transaction management, funding and financing advisory, commercial advisory, delivery and dispute management.


Integrated project management

Project controls, cost estimates, benchmarking, project plans and systems, scheduling, risk and contingency modelling, integrated Project Management Office, project delivery management, contract assurance and dispute/claims management, financial assessment and governance, project health checks.


Systems engineering

Systems engineering and modelling to assure client and end-user requirements are identified, delivered, optimised and sustained.


Placemaking outcomes

Real estate advisory for improved integration and connectivity between transport infrastructure and precincts (including interchanges, integrated station development, over station developments), delivery strategies, transaction management services for transport real estate assets.


Asset management

Decision support solutions, Digital Twins, asset portfolio and demand modelling, simulation and analysis, strategic asset management planning, system design, data driven investment decision making, efficiency in operations and maintenance.


Regulatory advice

Economic regulatory strategy for transport infrastructure assets, price setting, cost benchmarking, regulatory submissions, customer engagement services.

Our Transport experience

We continue to lead Australia’s largest and most complex transport infrastructure projects, including rail, road, airports, ports and freight. Our multidisciplinary team of transport experts and our substantial investment in data acquisition at a local and national level strongly position us to support clients throughout the project life cycle. We help to shape policy direction and investment decisions; drive successful procurement and delivery of transport projects; and bring differentiated insights for the sustainable operation and maintenance of transport assets.

Transport Insights and Case Studies

Key Transport Contacts

Paul Foxlee
National Sector Leader, Transport & Infrastructure
Praveen Thakur
Lead Partner, Planning & Infrastructure Economics
John Sams
Lead Partner, Commercial Advisory & Transactions
Mike McCloskey
Partner, Project Controls & Assurance
Jon Frew
Transport Sector Lead - Queensland
Julian Watts
Partner, Engineering, Assets & Project Delivery


The way we produce, distribute and consume energy in Australia is rapidly changing. We offer skills and services to navigate the challenges and opportunities of this energy transition.

Our vision is for Australia to have sustainable, affordable, equitable, secure and reliable energy supply. We strive to fuel Australia’s economic prosperity, caring for our communities and sustaining our nation and planet.

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How we can help you


Energy policy & program

Design and implementation to underpin new energy infrastructure investment while achieving consumer outcomes and sustainable, reliable and affordable energy supply.


Regulatory strategy

and stakeholder engagement.


Commercial advisory

Including support for renewable energy projects, from pre-feasibility, feasibility, business cases and go-to-market procurement.


Hydrogen project advisory

From grant programs, water availability assessments, siting studies, land and infrastructure planning for hydrogen hubs.


Energy procurement

Strategy and execution, including support across connection strategy for large loads, renewable energy purchasing via sleeved retail contracts, PPAs, and LGC procurement.


Commercial transactions

Including buy-and-sell-side transactional roles, transaction strategy, market sounding, due diligence, project finance modelling, contract negotiation.


Economic regulation of energy infrastructure

Including regulated price setting, cost benchmarking, network proposals, support in the customer and regulator engagement processes.


Decommissioning strategy and implementation

To support transition of existing fossil fuel generators to viable renewable energy and manufacturing hubs supporting regional communities.


Asset management

Including optimisation of power generation, transmission and distribution assets, asset management systems, strategic asset management plans, investment decision making, efficiency in operations and maintenance.

Our Energy experience

Working across electricity, gas, hydrogen and carbon markets, we can help design and implement policy reforms, plan and deliver projects, transact investments and optimise asset management.
We work with our clients to explore commercial opportunities, meet decarbonisation targets, navigate changing regulatory frameworks and ultimately deliver better outcomes for energy consumers. We understand the rapidly evolving energy market and are focused on how clients can best solve the energy trilemma of security, affordability, and sustainability within this shifting landscape.

Energy Insights and Case Studies

Key Energy Contacts

Sabine Schleicher
Energy Infrastructure Sector & Decarbonisation Lead
Andrew O’Connor
Lead Partner, Engineering, Assets & Project Delivery
Deepak Sambhi
Director, Engineering, Assets & Project Delivery

Social Infrastructure

Social infrastructure enables the provision of services critical to the health, wellbeing and economic outcomes of our communities.

Driven by a strong desire to deliver lasting impact, KPMG is one of Australia’s most experienced social infrastructure advisers. Our people take pride in the role we have played in the sector – helping to successfully deliver many of the nation’s most critical social infrastructure projects – improving Australians’ lives.

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How we can help you


Strategic planning

Policy development, demographic analysis and forecasting, service provisioning, network infrastructure planning and optimisation.


Business case development

Feasibility analysis, financial modelling, precinct visioning, economic appraisal, cost benefit analysis and market led proposals.


Commercial advisory

Transaction management, funding and financing advisory, commercial advisory, delivery and dispute management and service outsourcing and contestability.


Program and project delivery

Client-side project management and contract administration, project controls, cost estimates, project plans and schedules, risk assessments, integrated Project Management Office (time, cost and risk), contract assurance and dispute/claims management.


Asset management

Optimisation of social infrastructure assets, asset management systems, strategic asset management plans, investment decision making, efficiency in operations and maintenance.

Our Social Infrastructure experience

  • Health – Public and private hospitals, community and mental health facilities and services outsourcing
  • Housing – Public and affordable housing, temporary crisis accommodation, build to rent and mixed housing precincts
  • Education – kindergarten, childcare and school procurement, support services outsourcing
  • Further Education & Research – University and TAFE strategic campus masterplanning, enterprise precinct development, land transactions (acquisition, leasing and sales) and bespoke research facility development
  • Justice & Emergency Services – police and court facilities, correctional facilities and support services
  • Civic & Recreational Facilities – arts and cultural venues, convention and exhibition centres and events-based precincts (including sports stadiums and public open space amenity)

Social Infrastructure Insights and Case Studies

Key Social Infrastructure Contacts

Chris Keating
Social Infrastructure Sector Lead
Louise Skillbeck
Partner, Commercial Advisory & Transactions
Jonathan Burns
Partner, Commercial Advisory & Transactions
Tom Lord
Partner, Commercial Advisory & Transactions
Alison Gartrell
Partner, Engineering, Assets & Project Delivery

Real Estate, Precincts & Places

Precincts and Places, and the real estate within them, are key enablers of the economic, social and liveability ambitions of our cities and regions and the ecosystems that operate within them.

They enable better living, learning and health outcomes, and enhance the connectivity of our critical transport nodes. They support the transition to a decarbonised future from sustainable buildings and communities through to “green” manufacturing zones.

At KPMG, our aim is to embed ESG at the core of real estate. We help our public and private sector clients navigate the journey from strategy to delivery by partnering with you to seize potential, and explore and execute innovative solutions across all stages of the real estate lifecycle.

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How we can help you


Real Estate Strategies

Asset and portfolio reviews and strategies, property development and disposal advice, project business and investment cases, precinct and place based urban renewal strategies and implementation plans, site specific site remediation and development advice.


Real Estate Transactions

Financial and commercial structuring, market-led proposals, agency and transaction execution, procurement of delivery partners, capital raising, due diligence (financial, legal and technical).


Property Economics and Valuation

Valuations and market appraisals, market assessment and demand studies, demographic analysis, feasibility analysis, highest and best use studies, financial reporting and tax valuations, tax depreciation.


Property Technical Services and Facilities Management

Buy and sell side technical due diligence, building condition assessments, fixed asset registers and tax depreciation, project and contract administration, make good reporting and negotiation.


Asset Management

Asset management strategies and plans, CAPEX & maintenance forecasting and strategies, predicative maintenance modelling.


Environmental Services

Sustainability strategies, circular economy strategies, environmental services including remediation and contaminated land.

Precincts & Place-Making

Visioning, place compacts, optioneering & ideas generation, strategic and land use planning, urban design including masterplanning, design policy & development guidelines.

Our Real Estate, Precincts & Places experience

  • Housing – partnering with government, not for profits, developers and communities to deliver social and affordable housing, build to rent, student accommodation, retirement living, aged care and mixed use precinct developments
  • Health & Education – delivering world class hospitals, health and knowledge precincts through innovative delivery solutions
  • Transport Precincts – realising activated and people-centric transport precincts through commercially based planning and the seamless execution of market ready delivery strategies
  • Urban Renewal – unlocking value in places and precincts to allow for reinvestment in critical community and other enabling infrastructure, boosting local economies
  • Defence Estates – helping to shape the future Defence estate, supporting strategic land acquisition, divestment, strategic base planning, and property policy
  • Government and Corporates – supporting government and corporates unlock value from their real estate assets and infrastructure projects, enabling viable business strategies and operational outcomes
  • Sophisticated real estate investors – delivering independent capital and transaction solutions from end to end leveraging our market reach and whole of firm transaction and technical capabilities

Real Estate, Precincts & Places Insights and Case Studies

Key Real Estate, Precincts & Places Contacts

Paul Morris
Real Estate, Precincts & Places Sector Lead
Dominic Arcaro
Partner, Commercial Advisory & Transactions
Kylee Anastasi
Partner, Commercial Advisory & Transactions
Caitlin Keating
Director, Planning & Infrastructure Economics
Terry Rawnsley
Director, Planning & Infrastructure Economics

Defence & National Security

Defence and National Security organisations control a complex and diverse range of assets that are critical to the capabilities needed to protect Australia and our national interests.

We work to find the best outcomes for the unique project delivery and asset management challenges facing Defence and its associated National Security portfolios, helping to keep Australia safe and secure.

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How we can help you

Infrastructure services


Strategic planning

To shape investment decisions from requirements analysis and feasibility studies to master planning and concept design.


Business case development

To establish requirements, develop concepts and assess feasibility including engineering and architectural design, quantity surveying, economic modelling and disposal advice.


Program and project delivery

For successful handover to operation including project management, project controls, contract administration and compliance, systems integration and digital solutions.


Asset management

To identify how major assets can deliver more for stakeholders, while balancing cost, risk and performance.


Property acquisition and disposal

Helping to shape the future Defence estate, supporting strategic land acquisition, divestment, strategic base planning, and property policy.


Contracting and procurement

Including procurement options analysis, market soundings, commercial business case development, transaction management, and commercial negotiations.

Materiel services


Asset optimisation and management

To realise value of physical assets by designing and assessing operating models, providing first principles asset optimisation services and harnessing data to improve decision making.


Engineering services

To specify, design, integrate and manage complex systems over the asset lifecycle.


Project delivery

Including business case development, program and project management assistance for the delivery of capability programs.

Our Defence & National Security experience

Our team works across both the materiel and estate domains – and with Defence industry partners – to support projects and the delivery of capability in Australia and the regions.
We work with Government and industry clients on programs of all scales and complexity – leveraging our deep sector experience to help with planning, delivery, operation and disposal of assets and infrastructure.

Defence & National Security Insights and Case Studies

Key Defence & National Security Contacts

Ben Olesen
Defence & National Security Sector Lead
Wendell Fox
Partner, Engineering, Assets & Project Delivery
Rebecca Sinclair
Partner, Project Controls & Assurance
Jonathan Burns
Partner, Commercial Advisory & Transactions


We combine deep industry knowledge and technical expertise to work with mining and exploration organisations to realise their goals. Our capabilities include financial management, assets, operational improvement and strategy.

As a team of experienced mining consulting practitioners, we are passionate about technology, engineering, performance and efficiency – and how mining can make a difference to the local communities it supports and improve life for all Australians.

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How we can help you


Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) compliance and reporting


Structured Business Planning


Maintenance & Reliability


Management Operating System maturity assessment


Asset Management and Asset Performance Optimisation


Projects and Engineering Advisory


Project Management Office (PMO)


Strategic Advisory


Capital Prioritisation advisory

Our Mining experience

Our team helps clients embed flexible frameworks to adapt to changing market conditions – including cost reduction approaches, technology and digital initiatives, community and ESG strategies, asset portfolio management and integrated risk management.
We work with companies across the mining lifecycle from exploration and evaluation through to closure. We help clients to optimise their existing operations including fixed and mobile plant; project and engineering advisory services; and ESG operationalisation.

Mining Insights and Case Studies

Key Mining Contacts

Christiane Brendel
Mining and Oil & Gas Sector Lead
Ian Meares
Partner, Engineering, Assets & Project Delivery
Matt Colquhoun
Director, Engineering, Assets & Project Delivery

Oil & Gas

There remains a strong global demand for energy – how does the sector continue to deliver the energy we need today securely, affordably & reliably whilst transitioning to a net zero future?

We provide a comprehensive advisory service for our oil and gas clients to deliver, operate, maintain, decommission and maximise total value from their assets.

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How we can help you


Project Risk and Assurance / Readiness


Cold Eye Project Reviews and Health Checks


Lifecycle Strategies


Social License to Operate


Contractor Planning and Management


Owners team support


Contract Management and review


Procurement and supplier risk management


System and data integration and implementation


Transaction support, debt advisory, management and risk consulting

Our Oil & Gas experience

We offer a whole-of-asset view across the entire lifecycle for both existing operational assets and major capital projects - our experience with operational, commercial and economic expertise sets us apart.
From concept and planning to development, commissioning, operations and maintenance - we work across all stages of the project lifecycle – including decommissioning and closure upstream and downstream.

Oil & Gas Insights and Case Studies

Key Oil & Gas Contacts

Christiane Brendel
Mining and Oil & Gas Sector Lead
Ian Meares
Partner, Engineering, Assets & Project Delivery


The Australian water sector presides over a vital resource for the community, industry and the environment both now and into the future.

We see the Australian water sector leading the way on environmental, social and governance matters, taking an integrated approach to water management.

Contact us

How we can help you


Asset management

Optimisation of water assets, asset management systems, strategic asset management plans, investment decision making and efficiency in operations and maintenance.


Project controls and assurance

Project controls, cost estimates, project plans and schedules, risk assessments, integrated Project Management Office, contract assurance and dispute/claims management.


Regulatory advice

Regulatory strategy, price setting, cost benchmarking, regulatory submission development and review, and customer engagement services.


Commercial advisory

Feasibility studies, business cases, market sounding, funding applications, transactions, negotiations and contracts.


Urban and regional planning

Strategic urban and regional planning, demand modelling and master planning services.

Our Water experience

We provide integrated and holistic services to address the challenges of managing water as a precious resource. This optimises value from infrastructure at every stage of the lifecycle through balancing cost, risk and performance.
We’re leaders in water industry innovation and help our clients to use technology and data to drive greater insight, improve efficiency and deliver a better customer experience.
We understand the policy settings, regulatory frameworks, assets, investment drivers, large-scale infrastructure delivery and environmental management required to successfully deliver water services in urban, rural and remote environments.

Water Insights and Case Studies

Key Water Contacts

Tammy Falconer
Water Sector Lead
Jim Grayson
Director, Commerical Advisory & Transactions
Pedram Danesh-Mand
Director, Project Controls & Assurance
Sophie Guest
Director, Planning & Infrastructure Economics

Industrial, Consumer & Telecommunications

Working across the market segments of Consumer & Food, Industrial Manufacturing & Life Sciences, Retail & Leisure and Technology, Media & Telecommunication, we combine deep industry knowledge and technical expertise to support the profitable, responsible and sustainable growth and transition of organisations around operational efficiency, asset management, ESG and sustainability, automation and workforce skills transition.

We leverage digital and data analytics to unlock the potential in assets, operations, utilities, procurement and supply chain to assist organisations realise their goals.

Contact us

How we can help you


ESG and Sustainability

Strategy design and implementation to reduce organisational footprint and effect transition to net zero, together with providing operation frameworks to ensure compliance with financial ESG reporting obligations.


Energy optimisation

Including existing asset analysis, opportunity identification, abatement analysis and fuel & technology transformation.


Energy procurement

Strategy and execution, including support across connection strategy for large loads, renewable energy purchasing via sleeved retail contracts, PPAs, and LGC procurement.


Operational Efficiency

Strategy and implementation assisting organisations to focus on end to end operational optimisation focussing on inventory, asset, waste, energy and skills transition for a positive impact on the balance sheet.


Asset optimisation and management

Optimisation of assets, asset management systems, strategic asset management plans, investment decision making, efficiency in operations and maintenance, and harnessing data to improve decision making.


Strategic planning

Strategy development, customer segmentation analysis and forecasting, service provisioning, network infrastructure planning and optimisation.


Business case development

Feasibility analysis, financial modelling, economic appraisal, cost benefit analysis and market led proposals.


Commercial transactions

Including buy-and-sell-side transactional roles, transaction strategy, market sounding, due diligence, project finance modelling, contract negotiation.


Program and project delivery

Project controls, cost estimates, project plans and schedules, risk assessments, integrated Project Management Office (time, cost and risk), contract assurance and dispute/claims management.


Engineering services

To specify, design, integrate and manage complex systems over the asset lifecycle.


Project controls and assurance

Project controls, cost estimates, project plans and schedules, risk assessments, integrated Project Management Office (time, cost and risk), contract assurance and dispute/claims management.

Our Industrial, Consumer & Telecommunications experience

Our team helps clients embed flexible frameworks to adapt to changing market conditions – including cost reduction approaches, technology and digital initiatives, community and ESG strategies, asset portfolio management, integrated risk management and energy transition.
We work with companies across the entire lifecycle from customer segmentation analysis through to project implementation and operational optimisation, turning ESG ambitions into practical profitable solutions.

Industrial, Consumer & Telecommunications Insights and Case Studies

Key Industrial, Consumer & Telecommunications Contact

Tim Plenderleith
Industrial, Consumer & Telecommunications Sector Lead

Our Infrastructure Advisory Service project experience

Latest insights and thought leadership

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