Our Financial Reporting Centre provides you with the resources you need to prepare relevant, compliant and useful financial reports under Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) and Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS) to satisfy the needs of your investors, regulators and other interested parties.
This centre will be regularly updated with timely insights on the impacts of changes in standards, laws and regulations and other economic developments that may impact your financial reports or financial reporting obligations.
We have collated these insights so that you can face the significant challenges of financial reporting, from the implementation of the complex requirements of standards to the associated judgments and estimates, with confidence. For more information on the latest develpments in IFRS® Accounting Standards and IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, please refer to the KPMG Global IFRS Institute.
Preparing your latest financial statements
Find all the latest information on the currently applicable Australian Accounting Standards and regulatory requirements to ensure you have all the information at hand as you prepare your financial reports. This includes useful tools to make the preparation of your financial reports as efficient as possible.
Stay on top of what matters
Climate risk
Financial Instruments
The Australian Financial Reporting Framework has undergone its most significant overhaul in more than three decades. Understand what types of entities are affected, and how they are impacted.
Key resources
- 23RU-11 AFSL financial reporting reminder – GPFS (July 2023)
- Transition to Simplified Disclosures (PDF 1.8MB)
- 22RU-014 Special Purpose Financial Statements: Be clear on the basis of preparation
- 20RU-006 Farewell Special Purpose… hello simplified disclosures
- Example Tier 1 financial statements: Example Public Company Limited
Key resources
- Australian sustainability reporting legislation and standards finalised (24RU-12) – September 2024
- ASIC Sustainability reporting Regulatory Guide consultation (24RU-15) – November 2024
- ESG in Executive Remuneration – June 2023
- Sustainable energy: Power purchase arrangements (22RU-08) – March 2022
Accounting for financial instruments is a complex area governed by multiple standards. Whilst principally governed by AASB 9 Financial Instruments; AASB 132 Financial Instruments: Presentations, AASB 7 Financial Instruments: disclosures and in some instances AASB 139 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, the substance and contractual terms play an important part in the financial reporting of an organisation’s financial arrangements.
Accounting for financial instruments is a nuanced affair, whether it is dealing with the classification of funding as debt or equity, accounting for sales of financial assets, modification of debt arrangements, hedge accounting or impairment. As financial products continue to evolve, together with changes in economic conditions and regulations, the challenges faced in accounting for financial instruments continues.
The leases standard, AASB 16 Leases, requires organisations that are lessees to recognise the majority of leases on-balance sheet. Lessees are required to recognise a right-of-use asset and lease liability, providing more transparency about an organisation's lease commitments.
Organisations need to ensure they have robust systems in place to capture and manage their leasing data and judgements. In addition, organisations are faced with broad ranging challenges including managing the impacts on debt covenants and credit ratings as well as impairment testing and tax-effect accounting.
The revenue standard, AASB 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers requires organisations to apply a five step model to recognise revenue and to provide enhanced disclosures that give insight into their revenue streams. Nuances in the standard and complex revenue transactions can be challenging for organisations to navigate through.
Not-for-profit entities face even greater challenges applying AASB 15 as they also apply AASB 1058 Income for Not-for-profits at the same time. Complexities exist for these organisations in determining which standard to apply (AASB 15 or AASB 1058) and how to apply a for-revenue standard to not-for-profit transactions.
Our tools to help you prepare a financial statement
KPMG Financials Checker
Automate the internal checking of financial statements so you can focus on adding value
Learn more Opens in a new windowAccelerated Reporting model
Simplifying financial statement preparation
Generate print-ready financial statements Opens in a new windowASX Report benchmarking
Enhance the effectiveness of communications with your key stakeholders
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