AASB 16: Leases

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While the Leases standard – AASB 16 (IFRS 16) – has been widely adopted, it continues to bring challenges to companies when applying to existing and new leases. Whether it is dealing with scoping issues, modification of lease arrangements or re-measurement of the lease liability, lease accounting is not always straight forward.  

Application of the leases standard also has flow-on impacts to other standards, for example, impairment and tax-effected accounting, from time to time. Our insights will help you understand the requirements of this standard as they relate to your company, as well as offering insights and guidance on more complex application issues.

AASB 16 Check – Have you considered these questions?

Application of the lease standard should consider a range of different issues around identification of leases, recognition and measurement, disclosures and flow-on impacts to other standards.

We share our perspectives on the common questions we hear.

AASB 16 resources

Read our insights related to AASB 16 Leases, and sign up to receive Accounting & Financial Reporting Insights direct to your inbox.

How KPMG can help

We provide a range of services to help with your application of AASB 16, including:

Lease calculation and lease solution
Review and/or analyse your current lease accounting
accounting advice
governance assessment
transformation and IT system change solutions
industry insights and analysis around disclosures
lease valuation services.

Whether you are in need of a new accounting solution for leases or currently accounting for leases manually and need something more automated, KPMG's Lease Reporting Model may be able to assist.

The KPMG Lease Reporting Model can simplify and automate your lease reporting requirements allowing you to focus on more value-adding activities. 

Find out more about KPMG's Lease Reporting Model

Meet our AASB 16 specialists

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