Proactively address the needs of your organization

Many organizations are being faced with unprecedented challenges in talent management and work environments. The increased complexity can bring increased risk of tax and legal non-compliance. Amidst this constant change, organizations can find themselves reacting to these issues rather than proactively addressing them. For example:

  • Employee health and well-being challenges
  • Environment, social and governance (ESG) focus
  • Hybrid and remote work practices in flux
  • Enhanced diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) awareness
  • Talent shortages
  • Competitive pressures on compensation
  • Globalization and cross-border travel
  • Work from anywhere

Work Environment Discovery (WED), is a comprehensive assessment that allows your organization to holistically consider all the work environment issues that may impact your talent strategy, and develop a plan to address those that are the most impactful to your business and employees.

Work Environment Discovery (WED)

WED assessment: Examining key areas of your talent strategy

When completing the Work Environment Discovery assessment, key focus areas that impact talent strategy are considered, in order to better understand the current state of the organization, and identify gaps that may exist.

Work Environment Discovery considerations across these focus areas:

  • People and culture
  • Tax and payroll
  • Legal and regulatory
  • Process and technology
  • Data and analytics

Key focus areas

  • Health and safety
  • Working terms and conditions
  • DEI
  • Workforce shaping
  • Hire from anywhere
  • Outsourcing
  • Learning and development
  • Talent marketplace
  • Intelligent automation/AI
  • Hybrid/remote work
  • Work from anywhere
  • Employee relocations/assignments/business travel
  • Workspace utilization
  • Location analysis and talent feasibility
  • Hiring in a new location (tax, legal, payroll, registration requirements)
  • Employee relocations/assignments/business travel to new location
  • Employee experience/culture/DEI
  • Other considerations (customs and trade, foreign banking, transfer pricing, financing)
  • Overall employee retention
  • Employee health and wellbeing
  • Learning and development
  • Employee experience: Technology and tools,
  • Employee experience: Organizational culture
  • Workforce productivity
  • Employee overwork
  • Strategy and program
  • Compensation
  • Employee benefits
  • Pay equity
  • Communications

Actionable insights for impact

After completing the Work Environment Discovery assessment, findings will give organizations critical information in order to make informed business and strategy decisions impacting employees. The results will equip you with the information needed to:

  • Understand your organization’s current maturity and priority levels across key work environment related focus areas
  • Understand relationships between various topics, how they inter-relate, and how they can be addressed together versus separately
  • See trends in how your work environment is maturing over time, and how priorities are changing as the assessment is revisited
  • Benchmark against other organizations across each focus area, at a point in time and over time

Along with your results, we will provide you with insights on your prioritized focus areas and potential next steps to consider.

Access your company’s insights in one place on the WED Dashboard

Findings from the assessment are available in a user-friendly dashboard format, outlining overall scores and gaps across each focus area. In the dashboard, you can:

  • Drill down into the topics within each focus area to see individual and benchmark scores, with an ability to filter by industry and company size
  • Drill down further into questions by topic, see question scores and benchmark scores by question
  • View your competency scores, which include certain factors that cross various focus areas throughout the assessment

Collaborate with the KPMG team on next steps

Following the assessment, you have the option to engage in collaborative discussions with your KPMG advisors in the relevant areas. These discussions can range from high-level meetings to discuss gaps and prioritization of actions, to employee hackathons and in-depth workshops to brainstorm pain points and solutions. KPMG’s experienced and multidisciplinary team can help guide your organization in assessing its work environment maturity, prioritizing areas of focus, and generating/implementing solutions that cover all key considerations. Together, we can give your organization a competitive edge and help facilitate a thriving work environment that employees will want to be a part of.

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