Expanding regulatory scrutiny of “too big to manage” including M&A activity, liquidity management, resolution planning
Regulators are responding to frequent changes in the interest rate environment combined with market turmoil in early 2023 by heightening the rigor of supervisory and regulatory reviews related to liquidity risks and effective liquidity risk management for firms in all sectors (banking, capital markets, insurance) and of all sizes.
In 2024, firms should anticipate increasing supervisory attention to:
Along with heightened attention to liquidity risks, multiple regulators are revisiting/ enhancing expectations for the preparation and submission of resolution plans, especially among larger firms, with an eye towards effecting more orderly resolutions. Supervisory and regulatory attention will continue to focus on:
As large firms, especially banking organizations, continue to grow, both organically and through M&A activities, regulators are saying it is increasingly difficult to affect an orderly resolution owing in part to their large size as well as to complexities associated with their operations, assets, liabilities, and services which fall outside of the core business chain. Regulators also suggest that it is this size and complexity that can lead to “persistent weaknesses”, “repeat offenses”, and supervisory action (See 02—Risk Standards) as “effective management is not infinitely scalable.”
Firms should anticipate that regulators will be considering:
Ten Key Regulatory Challenges of 2024
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