Ethics and Compliance Hotline

The hotline is a vehicle for KPMG personnel, clients and other third parties (such as suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors, external consultants, alliance partners, or other third party resource) to confidentially report concerns they have relating to certain areas of activity by any KPMG in Canada entity, activities of KPMG firms or KPMG personnel. KPMG works with ClearView Strategic Partners, a third-party administrator of telephone and web-based hotline services (ClearView Connects) to operate the hotline.1

You can report concerns to the KPMG in Canada Ethics and Compliance Hotline in the following ways:

  1. By accessing the web-based reporting system at (select KPMG Canada)
  2. By calling the KPMG in Canada dedicated toll-free number:  +1 833 554 5107

Both the web site and the telephone options are available 24-hours-a-day, seven days a week, and follow the same format for gathering information. Whether reporting through the hotline telephone number, the web site, or by mail, all reports are handled confidentially, to the extent permitted by law and consistent with KPMG in Canada’s requirement to investigate and address the reported conduct.

KPMG International or other KPMG firms

In addition to the Canadian hotline, KPMG International has its own hotline operated by ClearView Connects. If your report relates to another member firm, you may use the KPMG International Hotline.

  1. ClearView Connects™ is a registered trademark of ClearView Strategic Partners Inc.