The KPMG Foundation

Giving to our communities is an important part of life at KPMG. Our people are committed to supporting organizations and institutions in need – and it’s more than a desire to contribute, we believe it’s our responsibility to help and to play an active part in our communities across Canada.

The KPMG Foundation ("the Foundation") acts as a catalyst in the mobilization of KPMG and its people in giving to their communities. More than providing an avenue for giving, the Foundation helps drive KPMG’s mission to be a socially-responsible and civic-minded organization and promotes a culture in which our people thrive personally and professionally.

The Foundation's primary roles

1. Provide a framework to support collective giving, both monetary and time, among our people by:
  • Acting as a conduit for contributions from KPMG and its people
  • Encouraging our people to contribute to their communities through monetary contributions, donated professional services, hours of voluntary services and other contributions.

2. Plan and monitor KPMG’s contributions to our communities by:

  • Providing input to KPMG’s annual business plan with specific targets and criteria for contributions, both monetary and non-monetary
  • Monitoring our performance

3. Celebrate the collective philanthropic efforts of KPMG and its people by:

  • Communicating and profiling our collective efforts, progress and successes to all KPMG people, and, as appropriate, to our clients and the public
  • Recognizing KPMG people who have shown leadership in making a difference in our communities.