Climate Change & Sustainability

    The growing influence of non-financial issues, including environmental performance and social impact, is reshaping the business landscape, affecting financial performance and long-term business success.

Companies are under increasing pressure to manage these aspects to protect and create corporate value, and to communicate the value they offer society. These non-financial issues are bringing new risks and opportunities with significant implications for corporate value creation.

We work with organisations to help them manage the risks and opportunities associated with non-financial issues, and to enhance all aspects of reporting and communication. We also provide assurance services over all non-financial disclosures to enhance the credibility of reported information.

How KPMG can help

KPMG can provide the following services to suit the needs of individual clients:

Related insights

KPMG has a range of insights and thought leadership related to Climate Change & Sustainability.

Meet the team

Get in touch with KPMG's Climate & Sustainability team.