Circular Economy Services

With concern about the human impact on the environment already at an all-time high, the current linear economic model, dependent on resource exploitation and usage and disposal of products, is no longer sustainable. In its place, we will see the emergence of a circular economy – a model in which the value of any given product is extracted fully before the product is recycled and reused.

The effect will be to dramatically reduce environmental impact, waste and energy use and improve the overall efficiency of products. This can be adopted across different industries – from service to manufacturing, from public sector to private sector.

Circularity will become non-negotiable in a world where resources are finite and the climate emergency is pressing. In a linear model, the impact of waste caused by business processes and product disposal, including greenhouse gas emissions and waste plastics, grows as the economy grows. The circular economy offers different solutions.

KPMG estimates that by 2047-48, that the benefit of a circular economy in only three industry sectors will amount to a present value of $210 billion in GDP and an additional 17,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs for Australia.

KPMG’s Circular Economy Advisory offers a full suite of services and solutions enabling your organisation to take advantage of this opportunity.

Considerations for organisations

Questions to help your organisation understand the circular economy.

How well do you understand the breadth of circular economy opportunities available to your organisation?

Can you confidently infuse circular economy principles into your strategic organisational plan?

Are you able to see the circular opportunities that exist outside of waste management?

Are you engaging with the necessary stakeholders to truly maximise circular economy impact?

How KPMG can help

KPMG offer services and programs to assist your organisation in these ways:

Research & Trend Analysis

Through data analytics and engaging stakeholders,  map the impact of circular economy principles on your industry sector.

Opportunity identification

Identify circular economy risks and opportunities through modelling, core competency analysis and market scans.

Strategy development

KPMG can help you to develop a circular economy strategy which leverages competencies within your organisation.

Strategy implementation

KPMG can help you execute your circular strategy and guide you in monitoring, tracking and reporting on performance.

Meet the team

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Circular economy insights

Browse the following services and insights related to the circular economy.