Elizabeth Clark

Partner, Policy, Economics & Public Impact

KPMG Australia

Elizabeth is a leader in public sector strategy, policy and analysis with experience across a broad range of public policy and in the provision of economic analysis and advice to industry, peak bodies, Federal, State and Local Government.

She has extensive expertise in leading diverse teams and bringing together a range of capabilities and experiences to shape and inform complex public policy decisions. Elizabeth's experience spans across public sector transformation, having been instrumental in pivotal changes within governmental structures and policies to enhance efficiency and deliver positive public impact.

Elizabeth has led projects within:

  • economic modelling and analysis of major policy reforms and capital infrastructure investments
  • human services and areas of disadvantage, including disability, housing and homelessness, and intergenerational disadvantage
  • policy, regulation and regulatory reform at the NSW and Commonwealth level, including red tape reduction and reforms to the regulatory approach.

Elizabeth has strong project leadership, senior stakeholder engagement and facilitation skills along with a practical understanding of the machinery and decision-making processes of government.

  • Economic and commercial
  • Government and Public Sector
  • Government transformation
  • Management Consulting
  • Operating Effectiveness
  • Operational efficiency, strategy
  • Process improvements
  • Social values and behaviors
  • Strategy and Operations
  • Transformation