In FY24, KPMG Australia continued to strengthen our approach to address modern slavery risks.

KPMG Australia’s approach to identifying and managing modern slavery risks is an important part of our commitment to respect and promote human rights across our operations and supply chain.

In our fifth annual Modern Slavery Statement, we are pleased to demonstrate progress across key areas including capability building, stakeholder engagement, and supplier engagement.

Our actions in FY24 include:

  • onboarding a new platform for managing supplier risk assessment
  • developing a new human rights and modern slavery capability building plan
  • implementing enhanced modern slavery due diligence processes for acquisitions
  • refreshing our Modern Slavery Risk Appetite Statement.

We continue to contribute to public consultations and debate on human rights and modern slavery. This includes advocacy for the introduction of human rights due diligence requirements in Australia, to align with global leading practice.

KPMG Australia is committed to broad stakeholder engagement to promote collective continuous improvement in modern slavery response.

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