Episode 06-2022 | For the last several years, Min Tax has been a favorite pastime of international tax folk everywhere. No topic—except maybe economic nexus—has the same power to inspire angst among multinational groups. Pillar 2 and GILTI, BEAT, and even (briefly) SHIELD have featured in the discussion. And now, enter the new U.S. Book Min Tax, which only complicates matters.
Joining podcast hosts Kimberly Majure and Kortney Wallace to discuss are Doug Poms, a principal from our Washington National Tax, International Tax group as well as returning Futures guest, Seevun Kozar, a senior manager also from Washington National Tax, International Tax.
March 29, 2023 | I Literally CAMT: Dealing with Your International Min Tax Issues
Podcast: What are the most pressing CAMT international tax issues for which taxpayers need guidance today?
March 29, 2023
Inside International Tax
A KPMG TaxRadio podcast series, features insights into current international tax trends and developments.
November 13, 2023 | Cross-Border CAMT: Unpacking the International Aspects of the New IRS Notice
Inside International Tax podcast: Exploring the international tax aspects of Notice 2023-64, which provides interim guidance on CAMT.
November 15, 2023
February 14, 2024 | 2025 and the Coming Tax and Fiscal Showdown
This TaxWatch webcast will discuss upcoming budgetary changes and their possible impact on the tax agenda, ways Congress might address expiring provisions, and how the BEPS 2.0 agenda might impact the choices of US policymakers.
February 14, 2024