Implementation uncertainty and open questions
While all participants complimented the aims of the DSA, many panelists flagged several practical implementation and enforcement questions that remain unanswered, such as:
Systemic risks: Definitional questions related to systemic risk and lack of clarity relating to the depth and granularity expected for the assessment.
Data access: Practical implementation questions related to researcher data access. Stakeholders envisage the DSA being a “data-generating machine” for researchers to drive evidence-based solutions for systemic risks. Since it remains unclear what types of data and metadata Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) and Very Large Online Search Engines (VLOSEs) will need to make available, this might result in discussions with respect to what is enough for compliance.
Implementation logistics and enforcement questions, including:
- Personal data. What is sensitive personal data; does this also include data generated by platforms (related to user profiling)?
- Stakeholder group’s roles and responsibilities. How (practically) will various groups in the platform ecosystem (regulators, auditors, civil society, researchers, etc.) play their part?
- Know your business client (KYBC). What “reasonable efforts” should VLOP/VLOSE undertake to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by traders and the products or services they offer?
That said, there are clearly significant expectations for the DSA to be a vehicle for change and a “new normal” for global regulation.