KPMG Australia's report Enterprising Cities – How they are shaping future growth looks at the population, jobs and industry trends for 12 of Australia’s rapidly expanding cities.
It provides analysis of the economic upsurge seen in the cities – the ways in which they are attracting people from the major capitals of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane – as well as capturing the growth of local businesses and future investment opportunities.
Each of the enterprising cities analysed in the report has its own individual character and strengths while at the same time, sharing common pathways towards achieving sustained prosperity.
Where are the Enterprising Cities?
* Geographical boundaries for each Enterprising City is defined in the Appendix of the full report (PDF 4.3MB)
How Enterprising Cities are performing
2.5% growth
Enterprising Cities house a population of almost 10 million, representing 36% of Australia's population
3.9% growth
37% of Australian workers live in Enterprising Cities, increasing by 3.9% during 2023 compared to 2.9% for the rest of Australia
Unemployment rate
6.6% in 2020
The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.7% compared to 6.6% in 2020
Participation rate
2.2% increase
The participation rate has increased from 65.8% in 2020
In recent years, enterprising cities in our regions have outpaced the national growth trend demonstrating they truly are the engine room of the nation’s economy.

Download Report
Enterprising Cities
Find out how these Enterprising Australian cities are shaping the Nation's future growth
Download report (PDF 4.3MB)
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