
Auditing Occupational Benefits Institutions (BVG)

Occupational benefits institutions face tough challenges presented by both regulatory requ

The management committees of pension funds, vested benefits foundations, pillar 3a institutions and employer-funded foundations are constantly finding themselves confronted with new challenges.

Insured individuals, employers and supervisory authorities alike are demanding that occupational benefits institutions adopt transparent management practices and an open information policy.

In addition, both increasing regulation and the complexity of the subject matter are making specialization and professionalization imperative.

Decision-makers need a competent, solution-oriented business partner that understands their concerns and helps them perform their duties as leaders.

Erich Meier

Partner, Head of KPMG’s Pension Fund Competence Center

KPMG Switzerland

Fabien Perrinjaquet

Partner, Head of the Market Region Neuchâtel, Jura and Bernese Jura, Sector Head Luxury Goods

KPMG Switzerland

KPMG's auditing of occupational benefits institutions expertise

  • Specialization in the auditing of occupational benefits institutions
  • Stakeholder-oriented reporting that offers added value
  • Sparring partner for management committees
  • Suggestions on how to optimize processes and controls as well as implementation support
  • Recommendations regarding current developments in the area of occupational benefits
Lack of transparency of pension funds

Lack of transparency of pension funds

Article in German

Monitoring pension plans

Monitoring pension plans

Article in German

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