Real Estate

Selling, valuing, managing, optimizing real estate. We provide multidisciplinary advice.

The real estate environment has become increasingly complex due to dynamic economic developments. We are experienced in all aspects of real estate management, covering all stages of the investment lifecycle, whether your focus is local or global.

  • Valuing, selling or optimizing properties and real estate portfolios. 
  • Structuring or bequeathing real estate assets. 
  • Organizing or liquidating operational real estate. 
  • Plausibility checking and controlling construction and development projects. 
  • Raising or financing capital. 
  • Planning and managing compliance with sustainability requirements. 
  • Shaping the digitalization of the real estate sector.

Swiss Real Estate Sentiment Index

The advance indicator for developments in the real estate investment market.

Our solutions

We offer multi-disciplinary real estate solutions and support you in your commercial, technical, tax and legal issues.

Your key contacts

Locally anchored and globally networked in over 150 countries, we are happy to support you with regard to all questions you might have concerning your real estate assets.

Ulrich Prien

Partner, Deal Advisory, Sector Head Real Estate

KPMG Switzerland

Beat Seger

Partner, Real Estate Advisory, Chief Digital Officer

KPMG Switzerland

Kilian Schwendimann

Director, Deal Advisory, Real Estate

KPMG Switzerland

Laurent Aillard

Senior Manager, Real Estate Advisory

KPMG Switzerland

Eric Delé

Director, Real Estate Advisory

KPMG Switzerland

Further information

For more information, please see our studies and publications.

Please contact us to discuss your projects or questions.

Enter your investment profile

If you are interested in investment opportunities relevant to you, take our survey and create your individual investment profile now.

Swiss Real Estate Sentiment Index

The advance indicator for developments in the real estate investment market.

Geneva real estate investment market

Our publication informs about the real estate investment market in the canton of Geneva and increases transparency in the market.

Real Estate Tax

Together with our local specialists we provide you with competent advice on all tax aspects of your Swiss and international real estate investments.