
KPMG Apprentices

Are you ready to start your career? At KPMG, your apprenticeship will help you discover the world of an international company.

Dare to join KPMG

Do you want to contribute your own ideas while learning something new daily? You can do that with KPMG! During your apprenticeship you will be providing support to various teams by supplying innovative ideas and commitment. At the same time, we will build together with you the basis of a successful future. With us, you will experience an open and supportive culture and a solid basic training.

At KPMG, you have the opportunity to start your apprenticeship in four different areas: Commercial Apprenticeship, Information Technology Apprenticeship, Mediamatics Apprenticeship and Digital Business Developer Apprenticeship. Scroll down to find out more about these three options and dare to dive deep!

Are you interested in an apprenticeship with KPMG and would you like to learn more? Join our annual information event in spring where you can find out more about our apprenticeship and the exact training timetable – for instance, what a real work day will be like and whether the content of the training matches your abilities, wishes and dreams.

Commercial Apprenticeship

With the Commercial Apprenticeship, you will be laying the ideal foundation for your professional future. At KPMG, you can choose between two specialist areas: Services & Administration and Trustee.

Information Technology Apprenticeship

Are you especially interested in IT and have excellent technical knowledge? Are you brimming with innovative ideas that you want to turn into reality? Then start your IT Apprenticeship with us in the field of application development.

Mediamatics Apprenticeship

Are you passionate about technology and design? As an expert in mediamatics, you will be able to combine your passions while discovering the worlds of marketing and IT.

Digital Business Developer Apprenticeship EFZ

Do you have a great enthusiasm for IT and a strong technical understanding? Do you have lots of innovative ideas that you would like to turn into reality? Be bold and apply to become a digital business developer EFZ.

Do you have any questions?

Dominik Schneider

Apprentices Lead