

Making a positive impact on the world and delivering on our fundamental promise of quality.

Quality and integrity are vital to inspire confidence and empower change. Our relentless focus on quality underpins our commitment to serve the public interest, drives our ambition to be the most trusted and trustworthy professional services organization and delivers on ESG commitments.

We will continue to work with our people to earn and maintain the trust of our clients and communities and show our strength as a firm of diverse, strategic thinkers and difference makers. Together, we will create the better world we envision – continuously evolving to meet the needs and expectations of new generations and our changing society.

Facts & figures

Our annual results, our history, our leadership and our offices at a glance.

Values & culture

At KPMG, we inspire confidence and empower change in all we do, every single day.

Corporate responsibility

At KPMG we understand the role we play in the wider society. As a leading professional services firm, we are here to support our clients and stakeholders and provide trust in the market.

Our purpose to inspire confidence and empower change, to create a better future for our clients, people and society has never been more relevant. However, we must continue to find the balance between our business responsibilities, and our sustainability commitments.

Our Impact Plan shows how we are embracing and driving sustainable change, to make a positive contribution to our clients, people and the wider community, across four pillars: Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity.


Our Impact Plan 2023

Sustainability Report KPMG Switzerland

Transparency Report

Quality and integrity are the foundation that strengthen all areas of our business. It is what our profession is built on, and it’s why KPMG is relentless in its approach to delivering it. Improving our system of quality management is a never-ending focus, that’s why we continuously invest in new technologies and resources, while building a stronger culture of consistency and accountability.

KPMG Switzerland’s Transparency Report describes our structure and governance, our culture and values and the key processes and controls designed to comply with international and Swiss audit as well as ethical standards.

Statement on the Effectiveness of our System of Quality Management

Across our Firm, we have made significant investments in the consistency and robustness of our System of Quality Management (SoQM) in line with the requirements of the International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM) 1, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

To meet the regulatory requirements of ISQM 1, we evaluate our SoQM on an annual basis and conclude whether the objectives of the SoQM are being achieved.

Our conclusion, as well as the basis on which we formed our conclusion, are described in our Statement on the Effectiveness of the SoQM as well as in our Transparency Report. 


Maintaining our independence is fundamental to the quality of each and every service we provide. When it comes to audit, we acknowledge the great responsibility we bear. Not only towards our clients, but also towards the wider public.

Reliable financial information is essential for the smooth running of the capital markets and the economy at large. The assurance we provide as auditors plays a vital role in building confidence.

We work closely with regulators, businesses, investors and other key stakeholders in order to understand their evolving needs and enable KPMG to meet up to their changing expectations.

The Swiss member firms and KPMG’s professionals are required to comply with independence standards that meet or exceed those set out in the IESBA Code of Ethics, the independence rules of EXPERTsuisse and Swiss law, as well as other regulatory bodies such as the FAOA or FINMA.

Furthermore, we’re highly committed to the important quality initiatives our global firm is undertaking in response to the current challenges.

KPMG Foundation

Sustainability and social commitment are two of KPMG’s most important values. To live up to these values, the KPMG Foundation was established in 2007. It supports innovative projects in the areas of education, integration of people with disabilities and crisis situations as well as socially disadvantaged people. Primarily, the foundation supports projects on which employees are already involved.

The KPMG Foundation is a charitable foundation independent of KPMG. The foundation board comprises employees of KPMG, who all work for the KPMG Foundation on a voluntary basis.

We would be thrilled if we could count on your support for the KPMG Foundation.
100% of all donations are used for the projects supported. 


Supported organizations and projects

The KPMG Foundation provides support for small or medium-sized charity organizations and projects on a yearly basis and donates an amount of up to CHF 5,000 to each one.

With its donations, the KPMG Foundation makes a significant contribution to improve the situation of the institutions and activities and helps them continue and develop their social programs. For every organization and project that is supported, the KPMG Foundation follows up on how the funds were invested.

Data security

In our line of business, information is a core asset that must be protected. Our clients’ trust in KPMG depends significantly on their confidence in the way we handle their data. Our people, suppliers and other third parties also need to know that their personal data is safe with us.

That’s why information security is a leadership topic at KPMG. We’re committed to providing a secure and safe environment for all personal data and confidential information we hold. We voluntarily seek external assurance to ensure we maintain a high standard of information security at all times.

How does KPMG safeguard confidential information?

KPMG’s information security requirements are set out in the Global Information Security Policies and Standards published by KPMG International. Compliance monitoring against these standards and policies is carried out through our international information protection audit program and is supplemented by annual checks by the Global Information Protection Group.

Certified security

KPMG AG is certified to ISO 27001, the international standard for information security management. The scope of our certification includes our IT processes, IT business assets, client data in core systems, offices and physical locations.

Obtaining and maintaining ISO 27001 is part of our commitment to information protection. We are independently audited against the standard every year by an accredited external third party.

ISO27001 certificate (PDF)

KPMG Switzerland ISO 27001 label

Our alumni network

You’re a former employee? We won’t forget you. The alumni portal is just for you.