Fabien Perrinjaquet

Partner, Head of the Market Region Neuchâtel, Jura and Bernese Jura, Sector Head Luxury Goods

KPMG Switzerland

Fabien Perrinjacquet is regional head of the Neuchâtel, Jura and Bernese Jura market, office head in Neuchâtel and sector head luxury goods.

Fabien has extensive experience in auditing financial statements in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations, Swiss GAAP FER and IFRS. His expertise also includes the implementation of internal control, risk management and cost accounting systems, the preparation and the review of business plans (financial part) as well as business valuations. Moreover, he has experience in providing services related to the conversion of financial statements according to different accounting standards.

Fabien conducts numerous audit assignments for significant groups, Swiss companies and foreign entities. In particular, he advises companies in the luxury sector (mainly watches, jewelry and retail), the food industry as well as the machine sector. Fabien is the Swiss specialist and sector head of the luxury segment.

As a local lead partner, Fabien is the key contact for all the needs of his clients in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

  • Education and Qualifications
    Swiss CPA, Lic. oec. University of Neuchâtel
  • Accreditations