
Advanced Analytics & Data Management

We support you in your data analytics journey to become a truly data-driven company.

Our Advanced Analytics & Data Management team helps organizations to shape data strategy and transform to a truly data-driven company. 

We are specialized in helping you to shape data strategy, execute innovation processes, building data literacy and capabilities, develop and scale Data & Analytics (D&A) and Artificial Intelligence and to monetize data. 

With Intelligent GRC expertise the team helps you manage risk related to D&A and AI. We apply D&A and AI techniques to make your Enterprise Risks and Internal Controls smart, efficient and of high quality. 

Last, but not least: D&A and AI cannot be successful if you don`t have access to good quality data. We help you to implement data governance, design data management models, discover your data, turn unstructured data in structured data, cleanse and keep your data clean. 

Mark Meuldijk

Partner, Data & AI

KPMG Switzerland

Our services are centered around our global Data Value Chain framework

Data strategy

  • Developing data strategies and target operation models
  • Performing maturity assessments
  • D&A Ideation (using Lighthouse)

Data management

  • Defining data capability needs and building data literacy 
  • Data quality management & data governance implementation
  • Master Data Management
  • Data Migration (particularly in SAP HANA and MSFT 365 programs)

> Find out more

Advanced analytics

  • Data Science, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
  • ERP Analytics, Process Mining, low code analytics – e.g. using Alterix and Appian
  • Developing data science & management platforms

Intelligent GRC

  • Data-driven internal controls
  • Artificial Intelligence in Risk Management
  • AI / D&A "in Control"
  • GRC Technology implementation (Sofy, Metricstream, Snow, OpenPages)

> Find out more

KPMG Powered Data Migration

Data migration is becoming more crucial as businesses shift to the cloud, simplify legacy technology, and engage in mergers and acquisitions. A well-defined migration strategy and a proven solution are vital for success.

However, migrating clean and accurate business-critical data is often underestimated during cloud adoption and technology streamlining. Stricter regulations, the nature of data, and customer trust demand secure and transparent data migration.

Additionally, new platforms and processes require migrating data from various sources, ensuring expected functionality and reaping benefits. Moreover, mergers and divestments require complex migration of diverse applications and data types within tight timelines.

Incomplete or failed data migration projects are prevalent in the industry due to insufficient resources. Failures lead to costly remediation efforts or unsuccessful programs.

Data Migration: What you need to consider
  • What data is required and where is it located?
  • What is needed for data cleansing and remediation?
  • What is the best method for data migration considering timeframes and impact?
  • What security, risk, legal, and compliance factors need to be taken into account?
  • How can the success of the migration be effectively validated?
  • What technology is required?

What is Powered Data Migration?

Our comprehensive data solution approach to enable smooth data migration.

We offer a holistic approach to data migration, combining technical functionality with forensic analytics and expertise in business, risk, legal, and compliance. With diverse engagement options, we deliver efficient migration solutions globally.

KPMG Powered Enterprise

Outcome-driven and technology-enhanced transformation enabled by KPMG Powered Enterprise.

How we can help

Our proven methodology reduces risks, enhances transparency, and instills confidence in complex migrations. We offer flexible and scalable models, combining onshore expertise with cost-effective offshore options.

The Powered Data Migration solution is repeatable, scalable, and system agnostic, with a track record of successful engagements. Our services include migration strategy, governance, data profiling, quality monitoring, mapping, system load, and comprehensive reconciliations.

Learn more about how you can improve data quality and migration readiness.

Mark Meuldijk

Partner, Data & AI

KPMG Switzerland

Sign up to our KPMG Masterclass: Artificial Intelligence “under control”

KPMG AI Masterclass: Artificial Intelligence “under control”

Book a masterclass to manage the risks of Artificial Intelligence, learn how to develop trusted AI and how to monitor and audit the evolving AI.

Ensuring that our AI solutions are trustworthy, accurate, and unbiased is not just a necessity but a responsibility that we all share.

Our session will cover a full array of AI topics to give you a good insight into the matter as well as equip you with the necessary information and methodologies to tackle AI challenges. 

"AI under Control" is a comprehensive approach to integrating responsible AI practices into your organization's AI strategy. We will guide you through the process of developing and implementing an AI control framework, helping you ensure that your AI systems are powerful, responsible and trustworthy.

For more information visit our website.

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Technology solutions

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Ignition: Our data & technology-based methodology

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KPMG Sofy Suite

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Discover more about the impact of new technologies on businesses in Switzerland and contribute to shaping the future.