The Australian wine industry is resilient, with wine grape growing, winemaking, wine exports and wine tourism contributing significantly to Australia's economy.

While China has lifted their tariffs on Australian wine , it won't necessarily solve the greater macroeconomic and sectoral headwinds that have challenged the Australian wine industry's sustainability and resilience.

Australia’s wine industry businesses can respond to manage risk and identify opportunities if the right strategy is applied to key focus points, including:

  • raw material costs for viticulture and wine production
  • managing wine industry supply chains
  • maximising asset utilisation and production efficiencies for winemakers
  • integrating environment, social and governance (ESG) initiatives into the wine sector
  • cyber security threats that impact the wine industry direct to consumer (DTC) and e-commerce channels
  • innovation in terms of winemaking, brand portfolio and packaging
  • cultivating a broad spread of markets to access beyond China.

Wine Industry Insights series

Learn about key issues affecting the wine industry in Australia.

Webinar: Australian Wine Outlook – April 2024

Watch KPMG's wine industry specialists discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the Australian wine industry in 2024.

Topics include:

  • Impact of COVID-19, China tariffs and weather conditions on bulk wine and grape pricing.
  • Oversupply of commercial wines.
  • Predictions for vintage 2024.
  • Effect of ESG market drivers on wine businesses.
  • M&A activity within the wine industry in Australia.

Podcasts: Topical issues impacting Australia's wine industry

Listen to KPMG's industry sector leaders discuss opportunities and challenges facing wine makers and wine growers in Australia.

Jock Foster and Daniel Trimarchi from KPMG's Family Business & Private Clients advisory team discuss the growing burden of financial pressure and stress weighing heavily on modern-day farming families. Their podcast explores how succession planning can help these family-run businesses with the generational transition of their farms.

KPMG's National Leader for Consumer and Retail James Stewart and National Wine Advisory Lead Tim Mableson discuss vintage 2023, the wine sector glut, exports to Asia as well as opportunities and challenges facing the wine makers and wine growers in Australia in their April podcast.

Contact a wine industry specialist

Find out how KPMG's wine industry consultants can help your business grow.