Stephen Vaughan

Director, Turnaround & Restructuring

KPMG Australia

Stephen’s early career was forged in insolvency practice during the 1990s recession, "The recession we had to have" according to the Treasurer of the time and arguably the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. “I learnt quickly that in business cash really is king, however over the years I came to realise that, just as importantly, stakeholder confidence underpins short and medium term business viability.”

Stephen has over 25 years’ experience in financial and operational corporate restructuring. “When it’s no longer business as usual we assist stakeholders of stressed businesses to recognise and address critical performance issues and restore enterprise value.”

Stephen is a specialist in restructuring, turnaround, cash and working capital management, rapid cost reduction and strategic insolvency management. “Sometimes corporate insolvency necessitates a formal external administration to facilitate a financial restructure, an orderly asset disposal or provide for liquidation. When insolvency is unavoidable we make strategic use of external administration processes to maximise value for stakeholders.”

Stephen also advises on independent business reviews, counterparty risk assessment, receivables management and collections and is a director of KPMG’s back-up servicing business for specialist financiers.

  • Bankruptcy
  • Deal Advisory
  • Financial Restructuring
  • Financial restructuring
  • Fix
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Operational restructuring
  • Transactions