Handbooks | December 2024
Our guide explains the measurement and reporting of GHG emissions through the lens of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
This handbook provides an introductory explanation of GHG emissions reporting and is written for finance professionals who are more familiar with financial reporting and generally accepted accounting principles. As such, we explain concepts in a way that we think will be the most understandable for you, our audience.
This December 2024 edition includes newly added Q&As and examples on various aspects of GHG emissions reporting – particularly selection of emission factors – and an update on the future developments for the GHGP, voluntary carbon markets, and mandatory emissions reporting frameworks.
A consistent, transparent, comparable, reliable and timely GHG inventory is at the heart of good climate reporting. I have this handbook dog-eared and highlighted because it's such a valuable resource every time I review GHG calculations and disclosures.
Maura Hodge
KPMG US Audit ESG Leader
The GHG Protocol has gone from obscurity in the world of financial reporting to having its moment in the spotlight.
The Protocol is the foundation leveraged by both IFRS® Sustainability Disclosure Standards and European Sustainability Reporting Standards for reporting GHG emissions. And in the US, thousands of companies are set to report in accordance with the GHG Protocol under the California climate laws.
With this level of adoption – in addition to widespread voluntary reporting – comes increased scrutiny and pressure on the words in the standards. Originally inspired by financial reporting concepts, the Protocol now finds itself lagging today’s accounting concepts.
Timely then that the Protocol has embarked on an ambitious project to update its standards, with the International Sustainability Standards Board and other financial reporting stakeholders, monitoring carefully. Exposure drafts on a variety of issues are expected in 2025 and we encourage all financial reporting professional to think carefully about the proposals and their application for corporate reporting. Your voice counts!
In the meantime, we hope this handbook helps to provide you with a foundational understanding of GHG emissions reported. Anchored in the Protocol. Your GHG 101.
GHG emissions reporting
Download PDFProposed amendments to California climate laws
Climate disclosures remain in place, but longer lead times until adoption and certain reliefs have been proposed.
Handbook: Climate risk in the financial statements
Our in-depth guide comprises a collection of questions, issues and examples that we believe are relevant for companies thinking about the ways in which climate risk can affect their financial statements.
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