Carolin Leeshaa

Director, Natural Capital & Biodiversity Global Lead

KPMG Australia

Carolin has been at the forefront of global social and sustainable finance for over 20 years. As a trusted impact strategist she works at the intersection of policy, capital markets and industry across developed and emerging markets. Equipped with a systems view of complex challenges, she has a deep commitment to catalyse social prosperity and regenerative economic growth. A common thread throughout her career has been the application of creativity, collaboration and finance to design and deliver transformative, impactful solutions to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

With a background in global capital markets and structured finance, she leads the firm's global Natural Capital & Biodiversity service propositions, market engagement and thought leadership. One of her principal areas of expertise includes advising clients to integrate nature as an opportunity in policy, strategy, business, investment-and risk management decisions and the design of innovative Finance for Nature solutions across the full spectrum of the capital continuum.

She is a graduate of the Impact Finance Innovation Programme at the Said Business School, University of Oxford and holds masters’ degrees in banking and finance and post-graduate qualifications of social impact from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, University of New South Wales.

  • Agribusiness
  • Charities and Not-for-profit Organisations
  • Deal Advisory
  • Economic and commercial
  • Financial Services
  • Government and Public Sector
  • Human and Social Services
  • Innovation
  • Innovation strategy
  • Sustainability