
Equal pay

Equal pay analysis: KPMG shows you the possibilities.

Equal pay analysis

The revision of the law in the area of equal pay has a wide range of implications for companies. KPMG advises you on the opportunities that arise for you.

Since July 1, 2020, companies with 100 or more employees must conduct an equal pay analysis within one year.

The analysis must then be audited by an external auditor within the one-year period ending June 30, 2022.

Finally, employees must be informed of the results in writing by law. Listed companies must publish the results in the notes to the annual financial statements.

Steps to achieve equal pay

The law requires that companies' equal pay analyses be reviewed by an external, independent body.

KPMG is your competent partner for this. Furthermore, KPMG will also be happy to support you in preparing the analysis or to carry out an Equal Pay certification.

In short: KPMG accompanies you all the way in the area of equal pay.

Michael Herzog
Michael Herzog

Partner, Sector Head Healthcare, Head Audit Not-for-profit organizations and public sector

KPMG Switzerland

Voluntary Equal Pay Certification

Voluntary Equal Pay Certification

With an external KPMG certification, you have a confirmation that you practice equal pay in your company (in German) .

KPMG's equal pay expertise & services

  • Equal pay certification: Are you ready to have your commitment to equal pay certified? 
    With an external certification, you have an attestation that you are practicing equal pay in your company and that you will remain true to this concept. This certification is open to Swiss and foreign companies with more than 50 employees.
  • Legal verification of the equal pay analysis: Would you like to have your analysis verified by an independent, trustworthy partner? 
    For companies with more than 100 employees, this review is required by law until June 30, 2022.
  • Equal pay analysis: You want to make sure that you meet the legal requirements? 
    In the analysis, we help you identify potential inequalities. We provide you with an action plan and recommendations that your HR department can use to bring your HR and compensation processes up to the desired standard. We advise you on the requirements and implementation of the equal pay analysis using the standard federal analysis tool Logib. Additionally, we support you in the preparation of a equal pay analysis in order to pass the external audit, which is to be conducted by June 30, 2022 at the latest.


KPMG as a long-standing expert in the area of equal pay

In recent years, KPMG has had the privilege of assisting companies of various sizes and from a wide range of industries on the subject of equal pay. We are happy to offer you an initial non-binding discussion to determine the appropriate approach for your company. KPMG has a broad network of multilingual experts who are part of the national network of specialists.

Equal Pay

Equal Pay

New Swiss legal requirements and certification

Partnering for success: submit your interests & open questions

We look forward to your requests and will be happy to answer open questions you may have. 

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