
IT Apprenticeship EFZ

Are you especially interested in IT and have excellent technical knowledge? Then start your IT Apprenticeship with us in the field of application development.

Information Technology Apprenticeship in Application Development

During the apprenticeship you will learn to develop, test and maintain applications. You will help develop computer programs with the aim of automating and optimizing processes used within the company. You will also coach the users, enabling them to make optimal use of the new application.

  • Duration: 4 years

  • Opportunities in Zurich

  • The apprenticeships available at the various sites may vary. Using the this link, you can find out whether an apprenticeship is on offer at the site you have chosen.

This will give you the edge:

  • You are interested in IT and have a marked technical understanding of procedures and processes

  • You possess a good imagination and are reliable and accurate in your work

  • You are an independent and outgoing personality

  • You have the aptitude to familiarize yourself with new topics and are happy dealing with technical innovations

  • Your strengths include a pronounced understanding of service provision and good communication abilities

  • You have a good school leaving exam in the top stream (“Sek A”)

  • You gained very good marks in the natural sciences and math subjects

Informatics Apprenticeship at KPMG

Thierry shares valuable insights about his IT apprenticeship at KPMG, dare to watch!

Meet the team: Digital Business Technology

Meet our Digital Business Technology team and learn more about their daily business.

A video snapshot into the KPMG universe

Find out who we are and what we do.

Jessica Verhoeff

Are we the perfect match for you too?

Do you have any questions?

Dominik Schneider

Apprentices Lead