Pascal Wirz

Director, Deputy General Counsel

KPMG Switzerland

Pascal Wirz is Deputy General Counsel in the Office of the General Counsel.

Pascal's focus includes practice protection (e.g. dispute management, debt collection and regulatory inquiries) and corporate housekeeping (e.g. legal corporate management). As an in-house lawyer, he mainly advises KPMG group companies in Switzerland as well as KPMG EMA Cooperative (incl. their employees).

Pascal has many years of experience as a lawyer and mediator. He acquired his extensive legal knowledge in court, administration and at a commercial law firm in Zurich. Pascal then spent about two years in Melbourne (AUS) and Auckland (NZL) for advanced studies.

Pascal is a member of the Association of Corporate Counsel.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    Master of Law (LL.M.), University of Melbourne, Swiss Bar Exam (Attorney-at-Law), Doctor of Jurisprudence (Dr.iur.), University of Zurich, Degree in Law (lic.iur.), University of Zurich
  2. Accreditations
    Secretary of the Board of Directors of KPMG Holding AG, Secretary of the Board / Administration of KPMG EMA Cooperative
  3. Other
    Certificate of Advanced Studies in Mediation, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland