
Pascal Henggi

Director, Audit Corporates


Pascal Henggi is a Director and Auditor in Charge in in the Swiss Audit Practice.

As an Audit Director, Pascal serves national and International clients as key contact for all requests related to audit, accounting and reporting.

His primary activities comprise the audit of (consolidated) financial statements according to Swiss GAAP FER, IFRS and the Swiss Code of Obligations, internal control systems and incorporations in the industrial and services sector.

After his studies of Accounting and Finance at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), Pascal joined KPMG in 2007 at the Bern Office. Since then he is passionate in providing professional services to small/middle sized entities as well as international groups in different industries. 

  1. Education and Qualifications
    M.A. HSG, Swiss Certified Auditor