
Student Ambassadors

Have you ever wondered what the KPMG culture is like? Dare to connect with our Student Ambassadors to find out.

Meet our insiders

Would you love to hear more about what the day-to-day business looks like at KPMG? Who could tell you more about our work at KPMG than someone who already works here or did an internship at KPMG?

Our Student Ambassadors have gained real work experience with KPMG and know our company culture really well. They look forward to meeting you at your university and answer all your questions.

Your benefits from connecting with a Student Ambassador

Use this opportunity if you want to find out what it’s like to work at KPMG. Our Student Ambassadors might be just around the corner at your university and available for an informal catch-up over coffee. It’s also a great way to connect and start building your professional network.

Topics you may want to address

Dare to ask our Student Ambassadors about life at KPMG, our vibes and culture as well as the services we provide in the areas of Audit, Advisory, Tax & Legal or Financial Services. They will be able to share insights from the departments they’re working in and provide you with useful tips on how you can prepare for your own career. It’s never too early to find out what opportunities there are to realize your potential.

Have a look at our current Student Ambassadors below and dare to get in touch with them.

Jeanette Gautschi

Alliance Operations, Master in Business Information System at FHNW

"At KPMG, I am constantly able to develop myself further and overcome new challenges, which makes my role here truly interesting and dynamic. I also feel well supported by my senior colleagues, who are very encouraging when it comes to my professional growth. The combination of an inspiring, cooperative work environment and the chance to work with different teams is why I chose KPMG in the first place."

Luana Gantenbein

Audit Financial Services, Bachelor Business Administration at OST

"Since I started at KPMG a few months ago, I have already learned a lot. Every day brings new challenges. As a result, you enjoy a steep learning curve and constant development. I always find support from the team and I really enjoy the inspiring working environment."

Manon Lankkamp

Audit Corporates, Bachelor in Business Administration with specialization in Accounting, Controlling & Auditing at ZHAW

"Gaining valuable professional experience in the field of auditing alongside my studies and the support of my teammates motivates me to do my best in my studies and at work every day. The structured learning curve and the personal responsibility from day one, along with the familiar working environment, are crucial points why I decided to work part-time at KPMG."

Giuseppe Sabatino

Audit Financial Services, Master in Accounting & Corporate Finance at Universität St. Gallen

"I value my work at KPMG because here I am motivated to grow every day and have been actively encouraged since my first day. This environment allows me to continuously develop and take on responsibility while maintaining close contact with our clients. In addition, KPMG offers me the opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge in the working world, which is a huge added value for my professional development."

Teodora Rajkovic

Cyber Security, Master in Electrical Eningeering and Information Technology at ETH Zurich

"What makes every day at KPMG so exciting for me is the encouragement and support I have received from my team right from the start in putting my theoretical knowledge into practice and assuming responsibility."

Vivienne Sommer

Audit Corporates, Bachelor in Business Administration at Universität Bern

"From the very beginning of my work at KPMG, I was given responsibility so that I could put the knowledge I had acquired during my studies into practice. Thanks to the unique team spirit, I was supported daily in developing new practical skills. Such a stimulating working environment is an invaluable advantage for a professional career."

Fabian Bühler

Audit Corporates, Bachelor in International Business Administration at HSLU

"I work at KPMG because I benefit from a highly motivating work environment that inspires me to give my best every day. The unique balance of study and work allows me to pursue my academic goals while gaining valuable professional experience. Every day brings new challenges that allow me to continuously grow and develop."

Ronald Frauenfelder

Audit Financial Services, Master in Accounting & Corporate Finance at Universität St. Gallen

"Working at KPMG alongside my studies allows me to apply the theories I have learned during my studies and supplement them with practical experience in a dynamic and supportive environment."

Michel Güller

Real Estate (M&A), Master in Banking & Finance at Universität Zürich

"Since joining the young and dynamic team in Deal Advisory Real Estate, I have been warmly welcomed. Opportunities to take on exciting tasks quickly arose. These enabled me to put my academic knowledge into practice and constantly develop my skills. The last 1.5 years at KPMG have been the best decision for advancing my professional career."

Anesa Sivic

Audit Corporates, Bachelor in Business Administration at Universität Basel

"At KPMG, in addition to the opportunity to put the theory I learned at university directly into practice, I also really appreciate the fact that I have been given the opportunity to develop myself continuously since the beginning and that I am always supported in doing so. I'm also on a constantly growing learning curve thanks to the wide range of subject areas."

Career Events

Get a unique insight into the diverse career opportunities at our events and expand your network for your career entry.


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