New framework will become effective January 1, 2025
The final decree establishing the new framework for assessing whether foreign legal forms qualify as transparent or non‑transparent for tax purposes, as well as several policy statements regarding transitional rules, were published.
The new framework will become effective January 1, 2025.
The new framework essentially consists of the following five components:
The discontinuation of the independently taxable status of the open CV, and in some cases of a fund (because it no longer qualifies as an FGR), may lead to the levying of corporate income tax at the level of the open CV or the FGR, and to the levying of individual (personal) income tax or corporate income tax at the level of the participants in that open CV or FGR. In order to avoid immediate taxation as much as possible, transitional rules have been provided for the year 2024. The transitional rules essentially contain three elements:
Read a November 2024 report prepared by the KPMG member firm in the Netherlands