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Indirect Tax Compliance
Make managing indirect tax easier and more accurate
Reverse Audit Services
Helping to identify potential over payments of sales and use tax
Episode 8: Reverse sales and use audits
Today's podcast episode explores how reverse sales and use audits can benefit healthcare organizations.
April 04, 2022
State and Local Tax Communications Industry Practice
Helping communications service providers navigate the complex framework of taxes, fees and surcharge imposed on the industry.
October 17, 2022 | TWIST - This Week in State Tax
Summary of state tax developments in Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and Multistate.
October 17, 2022
South Carolina: Durable medical equipment sales and use tax exemption prospectively invalidated (Supreme Court decision)
A Supreme Court decision concerning the state’s durable medical equipment sales and use tax exemption.
October 31, 2022 | TWIST - This Week in State Tax
Summary of state tax developments in Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Washington.
October 31, 2022
June 26, 2023 | TWIST - This Week in State Tax
Summary of state tax developments in Alabama, Michigan, Multistate and Washington State
June 26, 2023
Indirect Tax
Monitor and manage state and local sales tax more easily
KPMG reports: South Dakota (use tax on construction equipment); Virginia (disregarded entity not subject to BPOL tax); multistate (tax-related ballot measures, manufacturing sales and use tax exemption rulings)
KPMG This Week in State Tax focuses on recent state and local tax developments.