Jason A. Given
Managing Director, Trade & Customs
Jason Given is a Senior Manager with KPMG LLP’s Trade and Customs Services practice and is based in the firm’s Philadelphia office. Jason manages client relationships and projects related to many international trade issues. He advises multinational companies on a variety of customs topics, including foreign trade zones, preferential trade programs, and classification, valuation, and Global Trade Management strategies.
Jason’s 24+ years of experience includes a broad spectrum of supply chain, logistics and customs compliance related positions. Prior to joining KPMG in 2007, Jason was the North American Trade Compliance Manager at one of the nation’s largest importers.
Throughout his tenure with KPMG, Jason has assisted many importers and exporters with complex issues. Most recently, Jason has been spending a lot of time helping companies through the imposed section 301 tariffs and implementing mitigation strategies including: managing NAFTA and other Free Trade Agreement qualifications; overseeing large scale classification projects; facilitating the Foreign Trade Zone application and activation process; duty drawback and First Sale for Export procedures.