KPMG report: Shipping and offshore tax update (August 2024)

Global tax-related developments relevant for companies involved in shipping and related industries

Developments relevant for companies involved in shipping and related industries

The KPMG member firm in the Netherlands has prepared a report that summarizes certain global tax-related developments that are relevant for companies involved in shipping and related industries.

Read the KPMG report (August 2024) that covers the following developments:

  • Australia
    • Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Regulations 2024 update the gas transfer pricing rules to align with OECD guidelines, adjust the advance pricing arrangement rules, and introduce specific rules for tolling arrangements
  • Fiji
    • Repeal of fiscal duty on importation of raw materials, machinery and packaging materials in budget 2024-2025
    • 5% fiscal duty levied on imports of ships, boats and floating structures
  • India
    • Budget 2024 shipping reforms
  • Italy
    • Extension of tonnage tax benefits
  • Netherlands
    • Dutch tax authorities take a position on the scope of Article 24 of the Netherlands-Belgium treaty (offshore activities)
    • Dutch VAT: Updated rules for zero VAT-rated supplies
  • Singapore
    • Alternative basis of tax for selected maritime sector incentive (MSI) sub-schemes (tonnage tax regime)
  • Suriname
    • Tax treaty between Suriname and Curacao signed
  • United Kingdom
    • Changes to the energy (oil and gas) profits levy


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