Mobility Matters, published by KPMG's Global Mobility Services (GMS) practice, offers thought-provoking articles that can help raise awareness about topical and timely issues affecting international assignment programs and globally-mobile employees working for multinational organizations.
Featured Issue
International assignments present unique challenges, such as dual social security taxation and potential benefits gaps. However, U.S. Totalization Agreements provide an effective way to navigate these issues. The latest Mobility Matters article delves into how proper planning can mitigate excessive tax burdens and secure future retirement income for U.S.-outbound assignees. Learn about the mechanics of totalization agreements, including scenarios when an assignment exceeds its intended length, and explore the available options for covered employees and employers. Discover how to effectively plan and navigate these agreements, protecting both your employees and your business.
Mobility Matters
Unraveling the Complexities of U.S. Totalization Agreements for U.S.-Outbound Assignees
Mobility Matters
2024: Year End Is Here Again!
Mobility Matters
Dutch government-authorised report on expatriate tax regime raises questions about fate of the 30% ruling
Mobility Matters
Olympic games 2024: Entry and work formalities for arriving foreign national workers
Mobility Matters
Understanding U.S. tax obligations for international student interns: A comprehensive guide for employers
Mobility Matters
U.S. & Canada Cross-Border Commuter Impact: From Compliance to Change Management.
Mobility Matters
Employee incentive trends in the Netherlands – the landscape is shifting, March 2024
Mobility Matters
2023: Another Busy Year-End for Employment Tax Professionals
Mobility Matters
#AmericanDigitalNomadinEstonia – Insights on International Remote Work, December 2023
Mobility Matters
Anticipated Increase in IRS Enforcement Activity with Inflation Reduction Act Funding, November 2023
Mobility Matters
With the world in flux, now is a good time to put geopolitics at the centre of your global mobility business strategy, October 2023
Mobility Matters
Mobility and military families, September 2023
Mobility Matters
Non-willful FBAR violation and compliance through various IRS programs, December 2022
Mobility Matters
Russia-Ukraine war: Individual tax issues for global mobility, June 2022
Mobility Matters
“Fondsstandortgesetz” – New Tax Opportunities for Employee Incentive Programmes in Germany?, May 2022