This publication is issued by KPMG's Accounting for Income Taxes group in Washington National Tax to highlight developments and other items of interest to professionals involved with accounting for income taxes matters.
Accounting for income taxes can be one of the more critical financial reporting activities of an organization. The continuously evolving business, regulatory, and legislative environments can present added complexity, and at times, it might be challenging to comprehend the effects that these changes may have on your business.
To help you keep up to date with this changing landscape, subscribe to KPMG’s Accounting for Income Taxes Bulletin, providing you with recent news and insights and helping you understand these developments and what they may mean for your tax function.
Get the knowledge you need to bring value to your organization by understanding recent developments in an ever-changing tax landscape.
View the Winter 2025 Bulletin
Download PDFWhat are companies saying about Pillar Two in their public disclosures, what questions we have been getting on the US GAAP considerations, and what implementation steps companies are focusing on in advance of year-end?
KPMG addresses common questions regarding the application of recent disaggregation enhancements.
With enactment of IRA & CHIPS, new accounting questions arise. Our first podcast in a series summarizes what’s coming.
Items of interest to professionals involved with accounting for income taxes matters