
Tax services for financial institutions

Banks, brokers, insurers and investment managers all require specific tax advice.

Financial services institutions are ever more exposed to the challenges of today's complex tax environment. Successfully navigating the challenges in this environment requires custom-made solutions.

Our interdisciplinary team possesses the required knowledge of Swiss and international taxes and a profound understanding of today’s business and regulatory environment.

Our team is dedicated to serving clients in all of Switzerland and internationally and has offices in Zurich and Geneva

We can assist you with a wide range of topics and have extensive experience in advising financial services institutions, including

  • Banks
  • Dealers/brokers
  • Asset managers
  • Fund administrators
  • Insurance companies
  • Trust companies
  • Pension funds
  • Fintech companies

KPMG's expertise and services

Tax compliance services for financial institutions

We assist financial institutions with all aspects of tax compliance, including Swiss corporate income tax, withholding tax, VAT, stamp taxes and other Swiss taxes, from the preparation of the tax return to the dealings with the tax authorities. 

We leverage from technology, in particular KPMG’s Digital Gateway, to streamline the tax compliance process.

Thomas Brotzer

Head Financial Services Tax Switzerland, Global Head Insurance Tax, Member of the Board of Directors

KPMG Switzerland

Financial services tax advisory support

We assist with the complex tax challenges in today’s financial services environment, providing pragmatic solutions that meet legal and regulatory requirements and industry best practice.

This includes

  • Mergers & acquisitions (tax due diligence)
  • Structuring / restructuring
  • Tax audits
  • Tax rulings / tax opinions
  • Health checks
  • Tax accounting
  • Tax classifications of financial instruments using our "Automated Tax Sections" technology - see our video for more information
  • Tax suitability analysis of investment products (Tax Guides)
  • Tax risk assessments / tax risk management
  • Transfer pricing support
  • Ongoing tax hotline
  • Tax treatment of digital assets (blockchain / crypto / Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT))
Grégoire Winckler

Partner, Financial Services Tax

KPMG Switzerland

Operational taxes (incl. QI, FATCA & AEOI)

Our team possesses many years of experience in assisting Swiss and international clients with all aspects of the U.S. Qualified Intermediary ("QI"), Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act ("FATCA") and Automatic Exchange of Tax Information ("AEOI") regimes, as well as all other operational taxes. In particular, we provide:

  • Ongoing compliance and reporting support
  • QI/FATCA periodic reviews
  • Responsible Officer certification support (see our latest survey results here)
  • Health checks
  • Policy documents & client onboarding forms
  • Risk control frameworks
  • Flowcharts and checklists
  • Trainings tailored to the specific needs of your organization
  • Withholding tax / stamp tax / transaction tax support

Where do Swiss banks see themselves in terms of compliance with the qualified intermediary regime?

Compliant with the QI regime?

Check out KPMG's latest survey
Jason Zücker

Director, Financial Services Tax

KPMG Switzerland

Asset management tax services

We assist asset managers and pension funds with a broad range of tax services, including:

  • Swiss investor tax reporting (see our flyer)
  • Fund structuring / re-structuring
  • Investment reviews / tax due diligences
  • Swiss and foreign withholding tax reclaims
  • Swiss stamp tax analysis
  • VAT analysis
  • Transfer pricing support

Swiss investor tax reporting for foreign funds

Investor tax reporting for foreign funds

Fund tax reporting in Switzerland
Chris Goddard

Director, Financial Services Tax

KPMG Switzerland

Tax litigation

Whilst we work closely with our clients to prevent tax disputes, we provide dedicated and pragmatic advice to our clients to support them from the moment a tax dispute arises until it is settled.

We defend the interests of Swiss and foreign financial institutions in tax disputes before the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, Federal Administrative Court and cantonal courts.

Charles Hermann

Partner, Financial Services Tax

KPMG Switzerland

Multishore tax reporting (MTR)

KPMG Switzerland offers a successful tax compliance technology called “Multishore Tax Reporting” (MTR), which provides an easy and efficient solution to produce automated tax reports for Swiss and international clients of Swiss banks.

> Learn more about Multishore Tax Reporting

Heiko Kubaile

Partner, Head of German Tax & Legal Center and Head Multishore Tax Reporting

KPMG Switzerland

Transfer Pricing Services for financial institutions

We assist financial institutions with all transfer pricing aspects. Our dedicated Financial Services Transfer Pricing experts will help you to review your transfer pricing setup and to identify risks and opportunities related to the specific intra-group transactions in the financial industry. We can support you in planning sustainable and pragmatic transfer pricing systems adequately to your business needs. Finally, we can also support compliance and manage controversy cases (tax audits, Advance Pricing Agreements between tax authorities, rulings, etc.). 

> Learn more about Transfer Pricing Services

Gerhard Foth

Partner, Global Transfer Pricing Services

KPMG Switzerland

BEPS 2.0

We assist financial institutions to understand the tax impact of the implementation of Profit Allocation and Nexus rules (Pillar 1), and Global Minimum Taxation (Pillar 2).

We provide insights into the key challenges which arise with the introduction of BEPS 2.0 and find clear answers to the questions raised by the model rules. In particular, we can offer:

  • Workshops
  • Impact assessments and gap analysis
  • Process definition and structuring
  • Project implementation
  • Trainings

> Learn more about BEPS 2.0

Thomas Brotzer

Head Financial Services Tax Switzerland, Global Head Insurance Tax, Member of the Board of Directors

KPMG Switzerland


We assist insurance companies with the implementation of the new insurance accounting standard of IFRS 17 from a tax perspective. This includes:

  • Impact assessments (incl. recognition, measurement & disclosure)
  • Analysis of the interaction between IAS 12 (income taxes) and IFRS 17 (Insurance contracts) insurance for the individual case (e.g., treatment of policyholder taxes and impacts on fulfilment cashflow, etc.).

> Learn more about IFRS 17

Markus Portmann

Director, International Corporate Tax

KPMG Switzerland


We support companies in the financial services sector with the tax-efficient and tax-compliant execution of their transactions and business activities related to DLT and blockchain technologies. Our services include amongst others:

  • Clarifying the correct VAT treatment and data requirements for all banking services around digital assets (wallet services, custody, trading, staking etc.)
  • Supporting the issuance of tokens (Profit tax, Withholding tax, Stamp transfer tax, VAT)
  • Assisting with the qualification of tokens for Swiss tax purposes 
  • Assessing whether transactions involving digital assets are subject to Stamp transfer tax or Withholding tax
  • Providing solutions around digital assets / transactions tax reporting & account statements
  • Evaluating the tax treatment of investments in crypto assets by individuals
  • Providing support regarding the readiness for information exchanges on digital assets 
  • Providing tax advice with establishing crypto funds

> Learn more about the topic of DLT or our services in this area

Thomas Brotzer

Head Financial Services Tax Switzerland, Global Head Insurance Tax, Member of the Board of Directors

KPMG Switzerland

Partnering for success: submit your interests & open questions

We look forward to your requests and will be happy to answer open questions you may have. 


Tax services for Financial Institutions

Tax services for Financial Institutions

Financial Services Tax
Insurers - Reporting now and into 2023

Insurers - Reporting now and into 2023

Provided by KPMG's tax services for financial institutions

Tax services for Swiss pension funds

Tax services for Swiss pension funds

KPMG Financial Services Tax
Investor tax reporting for foreign funds

Investor tax reporting for foreign funds

Fund tax reporting in Switzerland

Discover more

Financial services

We support you in achieving your business goals through leading expertise and technologies in financial services.

Clarity on Swiss Taxes

Race to the top – Switzerland joins the international subsidy competition in a world of minimum tax.

Transfer Pricing Services

Optimize transfer pricing with KPMG's expertise. From health checks to dispute resolution, our Global Transfer Pricing Services use cutting-edge methods for efficient solutions.