Ways and Means votes bills relating to disclosure requirements and foreign donations and grants of tax-exempt organizations out of committee

The full House may consider the legislation.

The full House may consider the legislation.

The House Ways and Means Committee yesterday voted out of committee four bills relating to foreign donations to and grants by tax-exempt organizations, as well as disclosure requirements pertaining to U.S. donors to tax-exempt organizations, following the scheduled markup. Read TaxNewsFlash

  • H.R. 8290, the “Foreign Grant Reporting Act” passed by a vote of 38-0
  • H.R. 8291, the “End Zuckerbucks Act” passed by a vote of 23-17
  • H.R. 8293, the “American Donor Privacy and Foreign Funding Transparency Act” passed by a vote of 23-16
  • H.R. 8314, the “No Foreign Election Interference Act” passed by a vote of 39-1

Next steps

Now that the bills have been approved in committee, the full House may consider the legislation. It remains unclear whether the bills will ultimately be approved by the full House and/or the Senate.

Read the related announcement on the Ways and Means Committee website



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