TaxWatch Webcast: Pillar Two and Public Disclosures

TaxWatch Webcast: Pillar Two and Public Disclosures
Transitional CbC Reporting safe harbor rules and the impact on public disclosures
KPMG insights on tax transparency initiatives: CbC reporting, MDR, ESG reporting, and more
Action 13 of the OECD's BEPS initiative aims to enhance the tax transparency for tax administrations and other stakeholders by requiring large multinational enterprises to prepare an annual country-by-country (CbC) report. Since the 2015 release of the Action 13 report, additional tax transparency demands have surfaced, including a call for mandatory public CbC reporting, the mandatory exchange of information on reportable cross-border tax arrangements—for example, mandatory disclosure regimes (MDR) or EU DAC 6—as well as various organizations' recommendations to increase tax sustainability and governance reporting related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, among others.
Transitional CbC Reporting safe harbor rules and the impact on public disclosures
Podcast discusses reporting developments that have multinationals scrambling
Listen to podcastUnited States Competent Authority Agreements
Focus on country-by-country reporting (CbC) data with Pillar Two minimum tax and public CbC reporting
EU Public Country-by-Country Reporting Implementation – where we are
KPMG Country-by-Country Risk Analyzer
The KPMG Country-by Country Risk Analyzer can help multinational enterprises (MNEs) analyze their CbC reporting positions to identify potential risk areas with each taxing jurisdiction an MNE operates.
Download PDFKPMG Total Tax Payments Global Reporter
Whether you are crafting a report for internal consumption only or a report that can be publicly posted on your investor website, our tool allows users the ability to export the data into a document that can be customized and edited and is also capable of being updated in real time as the data changes.
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