
IAPP 2021

Der wichtigste Jahresevent von GMS Schweiz: Zehn aufregende Herausforderungen, die in zwanzig völlig unterschiedlichen Mini-Interviews von einer Gruppe aussergewöhnlicher Experten diskutiert werden, regen zum Denken, Lachen und Teilen an. Schauen Sie sich die ganzen 56 Minuten an oder picken Sie sich nur die Themen heraus, die Sie interessieren.

Sarah Robert

Partner, Tax & Legal

KPMG Switzerland

Video auf Englisch

5m 33s
The millennial generation’s lost ground
12m 38s
Great leadership is not affected by remote teams
16m 29s
Remote working will export jobs from high cost / high tax countries
21m 13s
Who needs business travel?  We have MS teams.
24m 35s
Compensation will be based on what you do, not where you do it
28m 43s
Expatriate assignments will return to more-or-less their pre-COVID state
36m 29s
Traditional offices are obsolete
39m 52sIn the “new normal,” expect “new assertiveness” from global tax authorities
43m 56s
Work from anywhere offers employees will radically improve their well-being
47m 03sCOVID will spark a revolution in lifelong learning at corporations

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