Many organizations and leaders believe that cybersecurity is merely a matter of bits and bytes, and therefore that cyber risks can be resolved solely through tools and technology. If you believe that, I’d like to change your mind—even as artificial intelligence (AI), the greatest technological advancement since the internet, continues to grow and dominate our attention.
Throughout my career, I have dedicated myself to prioritizing and working with people. Whether in the armed forces, or through leading diverse teams across the globe, or as a consultant helping clients solve complex challenges, I have always put people first.
Because I understand that in an increasingly technology-focused world, technology and information systems are only as effective as the people who use them. The decisions and actions of individuals shape the outcomes of these systems. This isn’t going to change, and it’s why fostering collaboration and empowering individuals can ensure that technology serves to enhance human potential rather than overshadow it—especially as AI continues to grow and dominate our attention.
It was therefore encouraging to me that 80 per cent of respondents to KPMG’s most recent Canadian CEO Outlook survey agreed that building a cybersecurity-focused culture is central to successful integration of AI across the enterprise.
The fact is people are at the core of cybersecurity. Yes, people also pose risks—phishing remains the top attack vector for cybercriminals, with 68 per cent of cyber breaches involving a “non-malicious human element”1, meaning someone in the organization fell for the phishing attack and clicked a link they shouldn’t have. But that is also why right-sized and relevant cybersecurity training and support for individuals can be a game changer. This approach enables organizations not only to survive cyberattacks but to thrive in spite of them.