Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Help public and private sector clients successfully navigate the risk management transformation journey

Help public and private sector clients navigate the risk management transformation journey

Organizations today are looking at integrating and using risk management as a management tool to drive good corporate governance as well as enhance overall business performance.

KPMG is committed to assisting your organization in shaping a risk management model that best fits your organization. Our methodology and approach builds on years of practical experience tailoring and implementing risk management across a wide range of organizations and industries. Ultimately, we believe in delivering tangible results that bring value to you.


How we can help
We have both the practical experience and technical know-how to help public and private sector clients successfully navigate the risk management transformation journey. We bring industry experts on-board to provide the necessary insight and benchmarks relevant to your organization.

Click on any one of the options below to begin discovering what KPMG can do for you in your ERM journey.


Success Stories

Client needs How KPMG helped Outcomes
One of the largest conglomerate in Singapore
Improve overall Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) operating model against leading practices.

Re-defined the overall risk management objectives and strategy based on stakeholders’ expectations.

Developed both quantitative and qualitative risk appetite and tolerance limits covering all key risks areas.

Restructured the risk reporting flow and dashboard to provide more timely and insightful risk information.

Conducted a survey across global operations to appreciate the overall risk management awareness, perception and behaviors.

Interfaced risk management with assurance mechanisms.

Reshaped an ERM system that equipped the client with the ability to embed risk management into their business.

Coupled with comprehensive risk monitoring and reporting, the ERM program allowed the client to effectively manage their risk exposure and seize relevant opportunities.

One of the largest capital infrastructure project in Singapore
Design and implement a cutting-edge Project Risk Management (PRM) framework throughout the end-to-end project life cycle.

Defined target PRM operating model (structure, process, people, IT etc.) that integrates in the end-to-end project life cycle.

Defined risk appetite and tolerance limits.

Interfaced PRM with other key project related processes (e.g. schedule, cost, variation orders, and safety).

Designed a complex Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) to categorize all key risks.

Performed in-depth risk assessment at all project stages.

Developed risk reporting framework and dashboard, integrated in the overall PMO reports.

Interfaced PRM with the contracting process - define risk allocation strategy in the tender documents and evaluate and rate the contractor’s PRM capabilities as part of the tender process.

Developed Key Risk Indicators.

Developed and implemented comprehensive PRM change management program (training and communication plans).

Fully integrated the PRM operating model into the existing organizational/project structure and existing core processes.

Embedded risk management activities (assessment, monitoring and reporting) into the day-to-day activities and workflows.

Change behavior from issue management to proactive management and consideration of risks in all activities.

Risk management is actively used to continuously evaluate risk exposure and protect the owner in all interfaces with stakeholders (e.g. contractors).

Statutory Board
Design, development and implementation of a comprehensive ERM framework.

Profiled enterprise risk by conducting a number of workshops covering more than 200 officers across 13 departments.

Performed a detailed analysis of risks to establish risk drivers, consequences, identify risk treatment action plans & Key Risk Indicators (KRIs).

Developed ERM framework which included governance structure, policies and processes.

Facilitated risk monitoring and reporting.

Trained appointed ERM leads for each department.

Workshops conducted helped the client in creating an awareness and appreciation for risk management throughout the entire organization.

Enabled client to operationalize risk management by embedding it within their day-to-day operations.

Re-appointed by client to design and implement a risk governance course for more than 1000 management professionals of the Statutory Board.


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